Keep Hamsters Happy
Maintaining your hamster's happiness is essential, as these adorable creatures can become depressed and have a shorter lifespan. However, it may be hard to determine its emotional state, especially since it cannot communicate with you. Fortunately, keeping your pet happy is not a very difficult task, as long as you do your best to take care of it. This article will guide you through the process and make sure your hamster is content with its life.
- Have play sessions with it. You should spend time with it on a daily basis, which prevents your hamster from becoming bored and allows it to bond with you. Swapping the toys in its cage is a good way to freshen up its routine and allow it to participate in different activities. You could also place it in its wheel and help push it, encouraging it to exercise. To give it some time out of the cage, gently pick it up and allow it to climb over you, but make sure you are in an enclosed area that prevents it from escaping.
- Replenish its food and water. On a daily basis, make sure to change the water in its bottle to prevent bacteria from forming or the nozzle from clogging. You should also empty out its bowl of old food and replace it, as it could be spoiled. Be sure that you give your hamster a variety of grains or seeds to choose from, as they'll be able to tell which ones their body needs. Fresh vegetables rinsed with water - such as romaine lettuce and carrots - are also good ways to keep it full and happy. Occasional treats are also recommended, as they'll excite your hamster and give it something new to enjoy. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet will boost your hamster's health and ensure that it's receiving the proper nutrients. You should keep an eye on its weight to make sure you aren't feeding it too much or too little.
- Groom a Hamster. While your pet may keep itself clean, it still requires some help in maintaining its soft fur. You should brush it once every two to four weeks, using either a pet comb or a clean toothbrush. This is a good chance to bond with your hamster and show that you care for it. You can reward it with a treat during or after the session to encourage good behavior.
- Talk to your hamster. Even if it may not understand your words, it finds the sound of your voice reassuring and will help it grow closer to you. By speaking to it in a soft, soothing tone, you can help it feel at ease with you. Spend some time telling it about your day or talking about different topics. To please your hamster even more and encourage it to relax, you can pet it during your quiet moments with it. If you have no time to sit quietly with it, you can still speak to it as you go about your routine.
- Maintain a cozy environment in its cage. To boost your hamster's happiness, it's best to make its home as comfortable as possible. A large cage - perhaps with plastic tubes - is ideal, as it allows your hamster plenty of space to run around. You should line the floor with soft, absorbent bedding and give your pet places to hide (ex: a small hutch or box) so that it can have privacy or rest. Make sure to provide a running wheel so that your pet can exercise and work off energy. To make it even happier, you can also give your hamster chew toys and extra accessories, such as a hammock. All of this will help keep your pet occupied throughout the day or night.
- Keep its cage clean. Hamsters love to remain clean, as they keep their sleeping and toilet area separate and do their best to groom themselves. However, understand that cleaning their cage too frequently or rarely can cause your pet's happiness to deteriorate. It's best to keep a regular cleaning schedule so that your hamster can become accustomed to it. Every day, you can remove soiled bedding and old food from the cage. Once a week, you should scrub the cage and change the bedding. This helps maintain a clean environment and allows your hamster to remain happy and healthy.
- Note that hamsters have a tendency to remove food from their bowls and hoard it. You should check for any food that it might be hiding, as it could be spoiled and potentially harm your pet.
- Exercise your hamster. This is extremely important and will help boost your hamster's health, as well as keep its weight in check. You should encourage your hamster to use its running wheel every day, but letting it out of the cage is also a good idea. You can place it in a hamster ball and allow it to roam throughout the house, but make sure to follow it so that it doesn't get into trouble. Giving your pet toys to interact with is also good because it can exercise its body and mind. Hamster tubes are also an excellent way to encourage your hamster to move around.
- A pinch of oatmeal a day helps with digestion.
- Treats - such as sunflower seeds, cucumber or carrots - can be perfect appetizers for a fancy hamster dinner. Allow it to indulge in its favorite foods once in a while so that it remains happy.
- Too many carrots or cucumbers can be deadly for hamsters. Small chunks are recommended.
- When a Syrian hamster gets old, one drop of cod liver oil in their food will boost their health. It helps the natural formulation of oil for their skin. However, don't use more than one drop; otherwise, your pet will become oily.
- Pick up your hamster only when it allows you to. If you feel that it doesn't want to be touched, leave it alone.
- Be sure that the cage is large enough for your pet to easily move around; otherwise, you may need to consider purchasing a bigger one.
- If your hamster is slow and sleeps a lot, you should find a large, enclosed area and encourage it to run around. Always keep an eye on it, and don't leave it out for too long.
- Do not clean out the cage too often, or the hamster could be stressed by the unfamiliar environment.
- Remember to scoop your hamster up with your hands when handling it.
- Sand baths are great for hamsters. They not only help remove grease and sweat but also prevent your pet from becoming bored.
- Avoid forcing your hamster into doing activities it may not enjoy. If you notice that your pet is tired, allow it to sleep rather than intruding on its privacy.
- If your hamster is too small or big for its wheel, buy a new one as soon as possible, especially if that is the only toy in the cage. Boredom causes hamsters to become depressed, which often leads to a shorter life span.
- Leave the hamster alone for awhile if it does not want you to pick it up. Hamsters need to get used to its environment.
- Do not chase the hamster around the house simply to pick it up. This can cause them to be extremely scared.
- Don't try to make your hamster diurnal instead of nocturnal. Understand that the daytime is not their natural active time, though they may get up to eat or use the bathroom.
- Hamsters can bite. Avoid aggravating your pet, or else it may feel the need to defend itself.
- Avoid leaving the cage in direct sunlight or a drafty area; otherwise, the hamster may become cold or sunburned.
- If your pet is in the hamster ball, keep it away from the stairs. You should also let any members in your household know that the hamster is out; otherwise, they may accidentally tread on it or kick it.
- Avoid moving quickly near the hamster or waving large objects near its cage. This can frighten it and cause it to become unhappy.
- Don't give them pine bedding. Aspen is a safer choice.
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