Keep Score for a Cornhole Game

Ever wondered how many points your opponent really had during that last round of cornhole? Now you'll be informed and understand how really that last one you sank took away 3 points they had on the board.


  1. For 2 or 4 players. (2 Teams)
  2. Place the boards approximately {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} apart.
  3. Team partners face each other from OPPOSITE BOARDS.
  4. Play starts at either board.
  5. Each team plays with a set of 4 bags.
  6. Opponents alternate toss until all 8 bags are played.
  7. The round is then scored. (See Scoring)
  8. Repeat play from the other board.
  9. The scoring team has the honor of tossing first in the next round.
  10. A game = 21 points.
  11. 3 points for each bag in the hole is a cornhole!
  12. 1 point for each bag on the board.
  13. Score is the difference in the team totals. For example: After 1 round or 8 bags played; #1 Team with 1 bag in the hole = 3 points. #2 Team with 2 bags on board = 2 points. Score 1st round for #1 team = 1 point.
  14. Bags pushed in by an opponent's toss count.


  • prevent sliders.
  • Mary Ellen - A toss that falls short of the board.
  • Hanger - An Ace on the lip of the hole ready to drop.
  • Some fun terminology to toss around your next game.
  • Slider - A cornhole that slides into the hole.
  • Cornhole - A 3 point play, a bag in the hole.
  • Back Door - A cornhole tossed over a Blocker Bag.
  • No Blood - A no score round
  • Foot Foul - Stepping past the front edge of the board while tossing.
  • Blocker - An ace or a bag on the board positioned in front of the hole to
  • Swish - A cornhole that goes straight into the hole.
  • Skunk - An 11-0 game.
  • Grounder - A bag on or touching the ground.
  • Shooter - The person currently tossing.
  • Honors - The team that scored last tosses first or has the "Honors".
  • Ace - A one point play, a bag on the board
  • Slam - 4 cornholes by one player in one round (truly a great player).

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Sources and Citations

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