Keep Tiger Barbs

Looking for research over the web on keeping tiger barbs but, not sure what is true or not? Or have the idea of getting a fish but, not knowing of any specific option and searching for suggestions? Then look no farther, this page has the more important information on keeping tiger barbs, including: Diet, compatibility and more of the most important things to cover.


Understanding Tiger Barbs

  1. Know your fish. For a visual thought of the tiger barb, they grow to at least three inches in length, with three noticeable stripes running down their body. The average life expectancy of tiger barbs is at least 4-6 years.

Housing Tiger Barbs Correctly

  1. Keep tiger barbs in the proper size aquarium. A 20 gallon aquarium (75 Liters) is the very bare minimum for six tiger barbs (the larger the aquarium the better.) Also do be aware! You should not keep tiger barbs in a group less than six. They are aggressive fish which if kept in a smaller group or smaller aquarium size then, they will become a lot more aggressive to tank mates.
  2. Get a heater. Since tiger barbs are tropical fish they should be kept in an aquarium at least 70*F-78*F. Also for them to successfully live they should be kept in a fully cycled aquarium (as well as all aquatic life).
  3. Add some decorations. When keeping tiger barbs it is always good to keep the aquarium decorated. Keeping the aquarium well planted or decorated will reduce shyness and create good hiding spots for your fish.

Tank Mates

  1. Choose tank mates wisely! Tiger barbs are quite aggressive fish and are very notorious fin nippers!
    • Fish like bottom dwellers or larger fish without longer fins are likely to be successful in the same aquarium as tiger barbs. Larger fish such as: Bala sharks, Parrot cichlids, etc.
    • Fish that are not likely to be successful are: Longer fin Danio, Angelfish, Betta fish, Veiled fish, and larger fish likely to eat it.

Feeding Tiger Barbs

  1. Choose the right diet. Feeding your tiger barbs a mixed diet is always the healthiest option! Tropical flakes, brine shrimp, and blood-worms are good examples of what to feed our tiger barbs.

Acclimating Tiger Barbs

  1. Acclimate the tiger barbs to the aquarium. Acclimation is a process (which all fish or crustacean) need to go through. What acclimation does is for that specific aquatic animal to adapt to the aquarium water parameters.
    • Acclimate the barbs for at least 15-30 minutes for each fish to adjust to the parameters.
    • Once acclimation has been complete, then remove the barbs gently from the bag (without the water from the bag dripping into the aquarium too much) with the net into the aquarium.


  • A reasonable pH level for them to be kept in is at least 6.0 – 8.0
  • Cannot be kept with fish with longer fins.
  • Should be kept in larger groups of at least 6-10 or an aquarium no smaller than 20 gallons (75 Liters)
  • Tiger barbs usually do better in a species only aquarium.
  • A good tank-mate for tiger barbs in a larger aquarium is a dwarf gourami.


  • Should not be kept with slow moving long finned fish.
  • Will become a lot more aggressive if not in appropriate tank size.
  • Make sure to have a fully cycled aquarium before the purchase of tiger barbs or any other aquatic animal.

Things You'll Need

  • Air pump (optional)
  • Ammonia test kit
  • Appropriate aquarium
  • Driftwood or other ornaments (optional)
  • Heater
  • Hood with lighting
  • Live/Artificial plants
  • Nitrate Nitrite test kits
  • pH test kit
  • proper filtration
  • Substrate
  • Tiger barbs or other fish

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