Keep Your Plants from Dying

Do you wish you can have a green thumb? Are you tired of your plants dying? Well look no further!


  1. Buy a new plant relevant to your need such as:
    • Indoor plants (such as dracaena or cordylines)
    • Herbs (such as parsley, lavender etc)
    • Shrubs / flowering plants (such as gerberas or roses)
    • Small trees (such as potted palms, fruit trees etc)
  2. Buy a new pot. You would ideally like one at least two or three times larger than the current pot. Bigger is better as it means the roots have plenty of space to grow. Select one with a wide rim as Narrow rims make future repotting hard work to get the roots out. Unglazed ceramic pots will dry the soil out faster.
  3. Ensure the pot has a drainage hole so your plant won't drown. To prevent soil falling out, place a small piece of plastic wire gauze (like you get on fly screens) over the hole.
  4. For big pots put them in the place they will live first - they are going to get heavier. This might be impossible to do indoors, so put the pot in a place that will need as little work to get it inside.
  5. Put a little soil on the bottom, select good potting mix that will give your plant a head start. If you use garden soil it may contain weed seeds.
  6. Then put the plant in. Then spread the dirt around the plant so the plant is in the middle of the pot. Works with seeds too.
  7. The aim of the game is that the top of the soil in the pot is the same level in the new pot - you don't want to bury the plant more than this as it may cause rot.
  8. Water it right away. Your soil is probably going to be dry. You do not want it to die right away.
  9. If its an inside plant put it near a window. If its an outside plant, put it in the sun in the morning then in the shade later.
  10. To check water needs, the easiest solution is to stick your finger in the soil. if it feels dry, give a little water. If its damp or wet it needs none.
  11. Give the plant a slow release fertiliser every six months - 1/2 to 1 teaspoon is very generous so use less than you think it needs. Good potting mix already has fertilisers in them so you won't need to do this right away.


  • Remember to always replace your pot if the plant gets too big.
  • Take off decaying leaves, it reduces risk of mildew or fungus and keeps it tidy.
  • When you're growing your plant, some plants enjoy being watered or misted with a spray bottle of water on its leaves. It keeps the plant leaves from drying up. This doesn't apply to all plants so ask at the nursery if you don't know. Tropical plants are usually the ones that like this.
  • Some plants benefit with trimming (such as roses or hibiscus) while some literally will never forgive you. Check the plants pruning needs from the nursery or the internet.
  • Some plants can be moved in and out of a home either by season or size.


  • Do not use too much fertilizer. (Unless it's a grapevine) It can kill the plant with its chemicals in too high a concentration.
  • Do not overwater or give too little as it can kill the plant.
  • Do not put a potted plant in a plastic container outside in hot weather or direct sunlight. The plastic will emit harmful chemicals potentially harming the plant and others around.

Things You'll Need

  • A plant
  • A pot
  • A good spot for the plant
  • A person who has had experience with plants.

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