Keep a Family Calendar

Today's families are busy! Keeping everyone's schedules straight on a family calendar can be a daunting task. Even with a plethora of online calendar tools available, many people prefer an old fashioned written calendar, and with a little creativity and preparation, you can turn this pending tsunami into nothing more than a gentle breeze. The added bonus is it doesn't have to cost an arm and a leg...


  1. Decide how you want to keep your calendar. Some people prefer decorative wall calendars, others prefer desk calendars, yet others prefer white board calendars. The important thing is to make sure it has plenty of room to write at least one thing for each person in your family.
  2. Assign each person in the family a specific "color". All Set Up Online Appointment Scheduling with DayClips, activities, meetings, etc. for that person will be written in that color.
  3. Decide how simple or complex you want to make your calendar. Some people like to keep it simple, with just times or places. Others like to make it more decorative and use stickers or magnets relating to the particular activity (for example, baseballs for baseball practice or games, musical notes for piano lessons).
  4. Purchase all supplies. The supplies needed are listed below under "Things You'll Need". All of these can be found at most craft stores, "big box" stores (Target, Walmart), office supply stores (Office Max, Staples), or online. You can adjust your complexity to fit your budget (Obviously, you can skip this step if you already have everything.)
  5. Fill out your calendar. Use one color for each person. Fill out as much information as necessary, but try not to get overly detailed. The more details you add, the harder it will be to keep the different items straight. This is also beneficial if you have multiple Incorporate Activities Into Your Child's Life on one day... if you add too many details, you risk having to "bleed" over into adjoining days.
  6. Keep the calendar in a place where you will see it every day such as the fridge, the hallway, a shared telecommunications area, etc. If you regularly check your email first thing in the morning, a desk calendar might be the best. If you walk into the kitchen initially, a wall calendar would be optimal.


  • There are pros and cons to each type of calendar. What may work for one person may not work for another. Do a test run and be prepared to change to a different method if the first doesn't seem to be working so well for your family.
  • Over-scheduling is a huge issue in families. Seeing a calendar with everyone's schedule will give you a chance to prioritize what really needs doing.
  • Before throwing out an old calendar, write down any birthdays or anniversaries in the new one.
  • If using a white board calendar, update it at the beginning of the month every month.
  • Many people prefer to also keep a small pocket calendar to jot down appointments as they are made or keep a business card holder to collect appointment cards at doctor's visits.
  • When a new appointment is made, update the calendar as soon as possible. The longer you wait, the more likely you are to forget to do so. Likewise, when a school calendar comes out, write down all days off, early-dismissals, or other important dates right away.

Things You'll Need

  • Calendar
  • Color markers
  • Decorative stickers, magnets, etc.
  • Something to attach the calendar to the wall or other suitable surface

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