Keep a Spiritual Journal

A spiritual journal is a great way to track how you are growing spiritually. This type of journal is different from the traditional journal or diary in that it focuses on your spiritual self. A spiritual journal can aid you in becoming who you wish to be.


  1. Purchase a journal to write in. You may buy a blank journal or you can find a daily devotional journal that already has predetermined categories to write about. Most bookstores will have these; you'll find a larger variety at spiritual or religious stores.
  2. Set a time each day to sit and self reflect on your spiritual journey. You may look at how you are feeling and examine why you feel that way. You can also write down things that inspire you throughout the day.
  3. Keep your spiritual journal with you at all times. You never know when something will make you wonder about spirituality. Keeping your journal on hand allows you to write down quotes, spiritual text references, or general thoughts you wish to reflect on at a later time.
  4. Acknowledge your blessings. Write about the things in your day that make you feel grateful. Research shows that people who make a point to feel gratitude are happier and healthier people.
  5. Set spiritual goals. These can be things you wish to do on a daily basis to further your spiritual growth or things you hope to do in a certain time frame. Make sure you set an end date so that you strive to accomplish your goal within the allotted time.
  6. Write down any prayers that inspire you. This may be a prayer you have created yourself, a prayer you read in scriptures or other spiritual writings. Having favorite prayers on hand allows you to reference them quickly any time you may need.
  7. Review your journal entries at least once a month. By taking time to self reflect on your prior entries, you can better see the direction of spiritual enlightenment you are heading in. Through reading your daily devotional writing, you can use the information to work toward new goals, search for more information to questions you have asked yourself in the last month, and give thanks for the lessons you have already learned.


  • Consider binding your own journal- writing in your very own hand-bound journal can be a thrilling experience. Basic bookbinding instructions can be found online, or in craft books.
  • If you are creating your own spiritual journal, you may wish to purchase a multiple subject notebook with dividers. You can separate your daily devotional writing, favorite quotes, blessings, prayers, and other topics so they are easier for you to find.
  • Understand that this spiritual journal is the place you can release any of your thoughts, positive or negative, without judgment from anyone. Allow yourself to explore how you truly feel about your spirituality and ways you wish to change and enhance your belief.
  • You can find spiritual journals for free online. Some of these may require downloading additional software.
  • You may wish to make a ledger or "Table of Contents" in the front of your journal with a brief description of your entries with the date you wrote them so that you can easily find them this way as well.

Things You'll Need

  • Journal
  • Multiple subject notebook

Sources and Citations