Keep from Getting Logged out of Google AdWords

Google AdWords is a great marketing tool, but it's a pain to get bumped out of the system after a few minutes. Here are instructions from Google's help pages to keep your sessions from expiring.


  1. If you are using the Internet Explorer browser and your session is expiring, please follow the instructions below.
    • With Internet Explorer open, click 'Tools' on the top bar.
    • In the menu, choose 'Internet Options.'
    • Click on the 'Connections' tab.
    • Click on the 'Settings' button.
    • Click the 'Advanced' button.
    • In the box titled 'exceptions,' under 'Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with:' type 'https://' (without the single quote marks). This should allow you to edit your AdWords account without your session expiring


  • If this does not work, the firewall for your network might be the problem. If you are using an HTTP proxy, and that proxy uses multiple IP addresses when connecting to external sites (like AdWords), then your session will expire every time you access the site.


  • Be sure to log out of your accounts when using secure (https://) connections!

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