Kick Someone from a Discord Chat on iPhone or iPad

This article teaches you how to kick someone out of a Discord chat on an iPhone or iPad. When you kick out a misbehaving user, they can always rejoin if invited back.

10 Second Summary

1. Open Discord.
2. Tap .
3. Select the server.
4. Select the channel.
5. Tap and hold the user.
6. Tap User Settings.
7. Tap Kick.
8. Tap Kick to confirm.


  1. Open Discord. It’s the light blue or purple icon with a white game controller inside. You’ll usually find it on your home screen.
  2. Tap . It’s at the top-left corner of the screen.
  3. Select the server. Servers are listed along the left side of the screen.
  4. Select the channel. This should be the channel from which you want to kick the user.
  5. Tap and hold the user you want to kick.
  6. Tap User Settings. It’s the first option.
  7. Tap Kick. A pop-up will appear, asking if you’d really like to kick the user from the channel.
    • The user can rejoin the channel if they are invited by a current member.
  8. Tap Kick to confirm. The user will now be kicked off the chat channel.