Know if Your Child Is Allergic to Gluten

You might be worrying about wheezing, watery eyes, or a rash on your child. Maybe your child has no symptoms at all, but comes from a family with a history of food or pollen allergies. For these and many other reasons, you may be wondering about the gluten in your child's diet. Young children and infants are most likely to show signs of a wheat gluten allergy. Learn the symptoms and get your child tested to avoid confusing a wheat gluten allergy with a condition like celiac disease. Even if you're certain your child has a wheat gluten allergy, you'll want to make an appointment and get your child tested for both wheat allergy and celiac disease before you eliminate gluten from his diet. Getting a proper diagnosis will greatly improve your child's quality of life, and may even be life-saving.


Recognizing the Signs of a Wheat Gluten Allergy

  1. Know the risk factors. If your child has relatives with allergies, your child is more likely to develop an allergy. If both your child's biological parents have food or pollen allergies, chances are especially high.[1]
    • Age is another factor. Your child is more likely to develop a wheat allergy when she is an infant or toddler.[2]
  2. Track reactions after meals. If your child is allergic to wheat, he could exhibit symptoms of allergic reaction during a meal, or up to two hours after. Serious symptoms such as anaphylaxis are most likely to appear within a few minutes of your child eating an allergen, but can appear hours later.[3]
  3. Recognize anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening allergic reaction that can interfere with your child's breathing. Symptoms include sudden wheezing, swelling of the tongue and throat, a warm temperature, rash, vomiting, and a weak and rapid pulse. If your child experiences anaphylaxis, take her to the emergency room or call an ambulance.[4]
    • Call 911 for an ambulance if your child is turning blue, having difficulty breathing, or if you live more than five to 10 minutes from a hospital or ER.
    • If your child seems to be recovering from the worst of the anaphylactic reaction, take her to the emergency room anyway. There could be a second wave of worse symptoms.[5]
    • If you think your child may have experienced anaphylaxis previously, get her tested for a wheat allergy or other allergens to prevent future occurrences.
  4. Check for respiratory symptoms. If your child grows hoarse, wheezes, or has any difficulty breathing, he might be having an allergic respiratory response. If your child complains of swelling in his throat or mouth, that could point to an allergy. [6] Other milder respiratory symptoms include a stuffy or runny nose, or sneezing.
    • Serious trouble breathing can be a sign of anaphylaxis. Immediately take your child to the emergency room or call an ambulance. If your child cannot breathe or has a blue tint to his skin, dial 911 for an ambulance immediately.[7]
  5. Check your child's skin. A child who is allergic to wheat might develop hives, red spots, or a rash after ingesting gluten. Check your child's body for clusters of welts, or hives, of varying sizes. Check for eczema: dry patches or blisters that resemble pimples.[8][9] Any rash that develops after eating could be an indication that your child has a wheat gluten allergy.
    • Also look for swelling of the eyes, lips, or tongue.
    • Try to prevent your child from scratching. The rashes will worsen if further irritated.
    • Rashes and blisters can also be a sign of possible celiac disease.[10]
  6. Investigate your child's discomfort. A child who is allergic to gluten might have invisible reactions, such as a stomachache after eating gluten. If your child is scratching, she might have itching and burning skin that does not develop a rash. If your child is too young to explain her symptoms, pay attention to unusual crying or fussing after a meal. Vomiting and diarrhea can also be signs.[6]
  7. Read food labels. You might notice that your child has trouble with some gluten and not others. Ask for a wheat allergy test if your child reacts poorly to wheat but is able to eat rye, barley, or other glutinous grains. Roughly a fifth of people with a wheat allergy are also allergic to other grains.[3][11]
  8. Track allergic reactions to non-food items. Wheat can be found in products such as Play-doh and bath products. If your child is showing signs of allergic reactions between meals, check the content of the objects he is handling.[1] If those objects contain wheat, get your child tested for a wheat allergy.
  9. Consider your child's age. Wheat allergies are common in young children. Most children with a wheat allergy outgrow it before age five.[6] This does not mean you should wait for your child to outgrow it without a diagnosis! Children with wheat allergies are in danger of anaphylaxis, and need to be near medication at all times.[6]

Testing for Wheat Gluten Allergy

  1. Make an appointment with an allergist. An allergist is a physician who specializes in allergy detection and management. You may need a referral to visit an allergist. Call your insurance and ask, then make the appointment.[12] If you need a referral, make an appointment with your child's doctor first.
  2. Prepare your child for testing. In the days or weeks before the appointment, feed your child an ordinary diet, and record his reactions throughout the day if possible. However, don't give your child foods that you know cause allergic symptoms. You don't want to trigger a serious allergic reaction. If possible, try not eliminate gluten from your child's diet before testing them for a wheat allergy. Doing so could interfere with the diagnosis.[13]
    • Your doctor might test your child for celiac disease at the same time. Follow the same steps for a celiac disease test.[14]
  3. Gather information for the pediatrician. Before your child's appointment, gather information about any diagnosed allergies, sensitivities, and instances of celiac disease or gluten sensitivity among your child's relatives. In the weeks or days before the appointment, take note of what your child eats, and any symptoms of discomfort or irritation she exhibits. Bring a list of any medicines, supplements, or vitamins your child is taking.[15]
  4. Get your child tested for a wheat allergy. Your child will probably be given the skin test, during which the skin is pricked with a needle containing a drop of purified wheat protein. If your child develops an itchy red bump after 15 minutes, he may be diagnosed with a wheat allergy.[15]
    • If your child has a pre-existing skin condition, or takes a medication that could interfere with the skin test, a blood test will be ordered.[16]
    • Have your child tested for a wheat allergy, especially if you suspect he has experienced anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis can endanger your child's life.[6]
    • If your child is found to be allergic to wheat, your doctor will talk to you about how to avoid wheat and if any other treatments are needed. You may be given an injectable epinephrine pen to use in an emergency.
  5. Test your child for celiac disease. If your child is exhibiting sensitivity to wheat, you may want to get her tested for celiac disease as well. Your child will be given a blood test to start. If the tests detect antibodies prevalent in the blood of those with celiac disease, your child will be given an endoscopy or capsule endoscopy. The doctor will examine images of the small intestine for signs of celiac disease, and collect a small tissue sample for analysis.[14]
    • It is urgent that your child be tested if you suspect they have celiac disease. Children do not "grow out" of celiac disease. It is a lifelong condition, and leaving it untreated could lead to malnutrition, loss of bone density, or reproductive issues including infertility. People with untreated celiac have a higher chance of contracting certain kinds of cancer, such as intestinal lymphoma or small bowel cancer.
  6. Put your child on a controlled elimination diet. After testing, the doctor may ask you to gradually or immediately eliminate wheat or all gluten-containing products from your child's diet. This is one way to check for wheat allergy.
    • Keep a food diary for your child. You may have already been keeping track of what your child eats, but your doctor may ask you to continue to do so after testing for celiac disease and wheat allergy. This may be a key part of your child's elimination diet.

Considering Other Possible Causes of Your Child's Symptoms

  1. Consider the possibility of celiac disease. Celiac disease can appear at any time in a person's life, and can affect anyone. Children who have relatives with celiac disease have a higher likelihood of having it themselves. Celiac disease is also likely to appear in children who have type 1 diabetes (juvenile diabetes), Down syndrome, Turner syndrome, Sjogren's syndrome, autoimmune thyroid disease, or microscopic colitis.
    • Other risk factors include early childhood infections. If your child had any sort of infection in the first months of his life and symptoms suspicious for celiac disease, it may be worth talking to your doctor about testing for celiac disease.[17]
    • If your child has any close relatives with celiac disease, talk to your doctor about having him tested even if he shows no symptoms. Asymptomatic celiac disease can harm your child if untreated.[18]
  2. Consider the possibility of non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Many of the symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity, otherwise known as gluten intolerance, mimic those of celiac disease. Unlike celiac disease, non-celiac gluten sensitivity is not an autoimmune disorder. Temporarily untreated non-celiac gluten sensitivity will cause your child discomfort, but will not damage the small intestine or cause other permanent problems.[19]
    • Symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity sometimes occur hours or days after the consumption of gluten. This can be a sign that your child has gluten intolerance rather than celiacs disease.[19]
    • The only treatment for gluten insensitivity is to follow a gluten-free diet.
  3. Check for non-allergy symptoms. Celiac disease and gluten sensitivity can cause many symptoms similar to wheat allergy symptoms, including blistering rashes. However, children suffering from celiac disease may exhibit distinct symptoms, such as stunted growth, neurological disorders, and cavities. Children with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity might complain of joint pain, and seem to be constantly tired and confused.[20]
    • If your child shows any of these symptoms, she might have celiac disease or gluten intolerance rather than a wheat gluten allergy.
  4. Test for celiac disease. Children who exhibit signs of gluten allergy or sensitivity should be tested for celiac disease. Untreated celiac disease can stunt a child's growth, damage the small intestine, and increase the risk of certain cancers.[18]
    • Do not eliminate gluten from your child's diet before you have him tested for celiac disease and wheat allergy, as this could interfere with the diagnosis.[14]


  • Before beginning an elimination diet, you may wish to hire a licensed dietician to help you plan meals. A dietician can provide tips for preparing gluten-free meals that your child will like.
  • Gluten intolerance is an umbrella term that covers a disparate range of reactions to gluten. It can be hard to diagnose, as there are no tests for it.[21]
  • Breastfeeding is suspected of being a possible protection against celiac disease in children.[17]


  • If your child experiences anaphylaxis, take them to the emergency room immediately or call 911. Administer an epi-pen if you have one, while waiting.[4]
  • Asymptomatic celiac disease can harm your child if untreated.[18]

Related Articles

  • Dine out With Your Celiac Child
  • Explain a Gluten Sensitivity to a Child
  • Recognize Gluten Intolerance
  • Get a 504 Plan for Your Food Allergic Child at School

Sources and Citations

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