Kung Fu Flip on Gears of War

The kung fu flip on Gears of War allows you to get out of every map, but it takes dedication and concentration.


  1. Pull out your pistol and go to any barrier that you can jump over.
  2. You need to point the camera all the way down at you with the right thumbstick.
  3. Hold Forward and press Back and A really fast; that should get you to levitate. (It takes a couple of times, so don't get discouraged.)
  4. Hold back and press A and B at the same time and that should give you the kung fu flip.
  5. Press A then X then A really fast if done correctly you can go through objects.


  • You can also do the kung fu flip with your lancer by pressing B and then A.


  • The kung fu flip might get you stuck on the small ledges you can't see and to get down you will have to get killed. So do it with friendly fire on. Also, you might not get high enough to get out and get stuck again; if that's the case, to get high enough you will have to use the force mount.and do not do it in ranked matches
  • You can't do this glitch when you're host.

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