Learn About Other Cultures

Learning about other cultures is an invaluable experience. Gaining an understanding of other cultures benefits both you and other people by deepening your understanding of how different people live. There are many ways to attain knowledge about other cultures. You can do research via the internet or local library, get to know other cultures in your community, and travel whenever possible.


Utilizing Technology for Research

  1. Read online news sources. Choose what culture or cultures you would like to learn more about. Subscribe to newspapers from that culture online to know more about what they are reading. Browse websites with data on entertainment, outings, politics, or trends.[1]
    • You should be able to find news sources from different cultures in your language. You don’t have to learn the language at first to get to know more about the culture, although learning the language will be helpful eventually.
    • For example, search for “French news in English.”
  2. Follow social media about your chosen culture. A great thing about the internet is that it has made the world smaller and more accessible than ever. You can find people from cultures all around the world on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. Following people or organizations from other cultures on social media is a great way to directly learn from that culture about things like their values, cuisine, and fashion.[1]
    • You can be specific when looking up information about other cultures on social media. Search for the accounts of notable figures in that culture, or look up webpages dedicated to specific parts of that culture, such as fashion, entertainment, art, or politics.
  3. Ask questions online. There are plenty of ways to ask questions about a culture online directly to members of that culture. Take a look at local communities and forums that accept questions or conversations. Send in or post a question and wait for a response.[1]
    • Ask what daily life is like in their culture.
    • You can ask what current events are going on right now, and how or if it is having an effect on them.
    • Ask what the major holidays are like there, and how they celebrate them.
    • Always be careful when communicating with other people online. Don’t give away your personal information.
    • Be respectful when asking questions. Research your question before asking.
  4. Look up YouTube videos. YouTube is another form of social media that allows passive watching or interaction. There are many channels on YouTube dedicated to a specific culture or aspects of a culture. Often, these videos are produced by people that come from that culture, or know a lot about it.[1]
    • Type into the YouTube search bar things such as “Learn about French culture,” or “What do people in India commonly eat?”
    • Many YouTube channels talk about subjects like news, history, or gender norms. Search for videos with a specific subject in mind.
    • You can ask questions in the comment sections of YouTube videos, but responses from knowledgeable sources are not guaranteed.
  5. Get a pen or email pal. Exchanging with a pen pal is a great way to learn about another culture from someone who is living in that culture. You can learn about language, daily life, and parts of the culture that you may not find from doing research online. Technology has made it possible to write letters, emails, or even video chat with a pen pal.[2]
    • Search for verifiable pen pal programs online. It is better to go through a program rather than finding a pen pal yourself.
    • Never give away more information than necessary to your pen pal.

Taking a Trip to the Library

  1. Visit the library and check out travel books. Reading through travel books and travel journals gives you great ideas about local and international destinations and begins to expose you to new cultures.[3]
    • You can check out a guide to your chosen culture, or read travel journals by people who have spent time in that culture.
    • Look for guides that cover information about etiquette, gender roles, festivals, and religion.
  2. Read books written by people from other cultures. You can read fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or anything written by a person from the culture you want to learn about. Reading books by people from other cultures gives you a glimpse into the mind and life of the people from that culture that would be difficult to obtain otherwise.[1]
    • Ask your librarian for recommendations, or search online for famous books from that culture.
    • Read a history book about the culture you want to learn more about. It is important to know information on subjects such as major conflicts, holidays, and customs.
    • If the culture has a different language than your native language, search for translations of books in your language.
  3. Check out films from other cultures. Most libraries have a section where you can check out videos. Ask your librarian if any foreign films are available. Look for videos that offer translations or subtitles. Films from other cultures offer a view of what that culture values as entertainment.
    • If your library does not offer foreign films, search online for where to order or rent foreign films.
    • Also look for documentaries about other cultures. A documentary may not be produced by people from that culture, but often they are produced by people knowledgeable about the culture.
  4. Search for a language guide. Most libraries will have books that either give a basic overview of a language, or serve as a textbook. Learning the language of the culture you want to know more about is one of the best ways to get to know the culture.[4]
    • Look for a book specifically for beginners if you are new to the language.

Getting Involved in Your Local Community

  1. Volunteer to practice your language with others. Offer help to people in your community who speak your language as a second language. Search for schools or organizations in your community that ask for volunteer teachers, or offer to help people at school, church, or other parts of your community that are trying to learn your language. In exchange for practicing English, you can ask to learn more about their culture and language.[1]
    • Commit to helping just as much, if not more, than you are receiving information.
  2. Visit local museums and cultural centers. Museums will often have exhibitions about other cultures. Ask museums in your area about current or upcoming exhibitions. Also, check with cultural centers in your area for opportunities to learn about cultures outside of your own.[1]
    • Many museums have online exhibitions if you do not have that many museums in your area.
  3. Enroll in a class. Many community colleges allow enrollment for individual courses. You can take a language course, or a course specifically about a certain culture. Contact local colleges and teaching institutions in your area for more information about classes.[1]
    • Make sure you have time to commit to a class that may require homework and tests.
    • A class will probably require money. Look up information or ask local institutions about course requirements and cost.
  4. Make friends in your community. It is always good to make friends from other cultures. It is a way to gain compassion and understanding, as well as possibly gaining a valuable friendship. Reach out to people in your community from work, school, or other local organizations. [5]
    • Talk to them about how your culture differs from their own. Ask what the biggest differences has been for them.
    • Offer your companionship to people, but never force yourself on anyone that is unwilling to communicate.
    • Be respectful of a potential friend’s culture. Do not say any slurs, or act in a manner that is disrespectful to their culture.
    • Become friends for the right reasons. Wish to gain knowledge about their culture, but don’t use a person only to benefit from information.
  5. Search for cultural experiences in your community. There are probably more opportunities to educate yourself on other cultures in your community than you realize. Look for ethnic restaurants, places of worship, and ask about upcoming festivals or holidays. Ask first before entering a place of worship or inviting yourself to a celebration.[6]
    • Express that you are genuinely interested in their culture, and do not want to disrespect it in any way.
  6. Avoid cultural appropriation. Ask members of your community from other cultures, or search online to ask about appropriate behavior and dress. It is important to be respectful, but do not appropriate another person’s culture. Avoid cultural appropriation by asking questions, such as:[7]
    • What behaviors and styles make you uncomfortable when people from other cultures exhibit them?
    • Why is this food or artifact important to your culture?
    • Is it okay to join in on this festival or celebration?
    • How do I show appropriately show respect to your culture?

Traveling When Possible

  1. Take part in an exchange program. Some schools or churches have opportunities to take part in an exchange program. In these programs, you often trade places with a person from another culture. You will typically live with another family, go to school or work in their area, and integrate yourself with the community.[8]
    • Ask for more information from your school, church, or reputable website offering exchange programs.
    • Most of these programs require money. Consider fundraising or saving money for the trip.
  2. Volunteer abroad. There many opportunities to travel abroad through volunteer programs. There are several types of volunteer programs. Some programs require you to teach English, some want farm workers, and other programs ask for humanitarian aid.[9]
    • Some programs require you to pay for your own trip, but others will pay for your services, as well as room and board. Make sure you know what is required before signing up for any program.
    • Volunteer for the right reasons. You will gain valuable knowledge about another culture through volunteering, but make sure you are willing to dedicate yourself to helping others.
  3. Go on a road trip. If you do not have money for air travel, take a road trip. Depending on your location, you can drive as far as another country, or to another state. You do not to drive far to experience a culture that is at least slightly different from your own.[9]
    • Plan a road trip that will take you through multiple towns, states, or even countries.
  4. Save money for travel. Traveling is the best way to learn about other cultures. Firsthand experience is the most definitive way gain knowledge and experience. Traveling can be expensive, so plan your trip far ahead of time.[9]
    • Do your research through the internet, library, or local community before you travel.
    • Make sure that the place you want to travel to is safe, and obtain the correct documents for travel specific to that region.


  • Depending on your age, you may also be able to work abroad. Club Med, cruise ships and other tourist organizations hire people over the age of eighteen to to run events, take guests ashore, perform etc.
  • Ask your teachers about special travel programs. Many teachers take trips during the summer, and learn a lot about exchange programs abroad.
  • Don’t be shy when asking questions or practicing a language. People will often appreciate your interest in their culture, as long as you are respectful.


  • You may unintentionally offend someone from another culture. Research will help you avoid this, but make sure to apologize and explain your lack of understanding if it happens.
  • Never compromise your safety in effort to learn about other cultures.
  • If you are underage, make sure your parents know that you want to travel and learn more about other cultures. They might be able to help you, and, by keeping them informed, you are more likely to be able to make a trip.

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