Learn Korean Vocabulary

Hallyu is known as the Korean wave. If you are caught in the "Korean wave" due to Korean dramas, TV shows, K-pop or even culture, this is the article for you. This article will get you started on how to learn the Korean language and speak it in no time!


  1. Find some free online websites on how to speak Korean. There are tons of websites out there that can get you started in some basic grammar and words.
  2. Get Rosetta stone. Rosetta stone is a popular software used by many people that helps them learn a new language. It can be quite high priced, but it has high reviews.
  3. Find a tutor. You can find a Korean tutor on Craigslist or anywhere else that has advertisements. There are not many on Craigslist, but there are a few, and they should be able to help you on your Korean endeavor.
  4. Head to your local library for some books. There are books that can teach you a new language, like Korean. There are Korean dictionaries, books that have short phrases, and books that teach you step-by-step Korean.
  5. Buy some Korean software. There are some Korean softwares like Rosetta stone online that may be effective or not. The key thing here is to try to see what option will optimize your learning.
  6. Find someone who is Korean. Once you find that person, become friends with them. Express your interest in the Korean language. They might be willing to teach you a few things.


  • Korean might seem hard at first but really, it's not a difficult language to learn.
  • Try to use a little of what you learn every day. This way, remembering newly-learned Korean vocabulary can become a lot easier.
  • If you are into Korean dramas or music, picking up Korean can be easy there. Always have subtitles on or English translations. There will be repeats of common words over time. Those words will stick to you since they are repeated.
  • Practice, practice, practice! Korean is a hard language but with practice, you will be speaking Korean in no time.
  • Though not everyone can afford it, taking a trip to South Korea is a great way to enhance your knowledge upon the culture and language, and gives you the opportunity to develop your language skills. Taking a trip can also give you the opportunity to meet Korean friends who might help you, and experience the culture one desires to learn.

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