Lifelong learning

How many of college graduates are happy that they do not have exams anymore? How many college graduates are happy that they do not have to study anymore? I am sure there are many but that is a mistake because learning should NOT end with graduation but you still have to learn more to maintain your career in this competitive working environment.

No matter where you work, you are being compared on your knowledge and skills against others. The difference between a school and a work environment is there is no exams to pass, no class to study in the working place but they will measure your capability against others. And if you do not meet certain standards than you may not be able to keep your job. The problem is the standard is changing all the time due to technology changes, customers changes, products change and business changes and these changes impact all workers. You may be the best technology specialist in the company but when technology changes, what you know may no longer needed, suddenly you may not be able to keep your job unless you are willing to learn the new technology. Unfortunately, most people cannot learn new thing that fast and most become victims to changes. Last month, I met several Microsoft managers who were laid-off and they told me that they were familiar with Window XP and everything they did were related to this technology. Today it is not Window XP or Window 7 anymore but Window 10. Even people who worked with Window 8 or Window 9 were worried too as technology changes so fast.

The only solution to keep your job in this fast changing world is to develop a “lifelong learning” attitude to keep your knowledge and skills up to date. And this attitude must be developed early when you are still in school. Few years ago, a student told me: “I am glad that I do not study technology so I do not have to worry about technology change or continue to learn new thing.” I asked him: “Can you tell me what field that does not being impacted by technology? No matter what field of study that you select, you must maintain a lifelong learning attitude because everything changes. Today most companies are using Information technology and when technology changes, they have to change too. From factories to hospitals, from banks to offices, everything is depending on Information technology. If you do not keep up your knowledge and skills, you will be eliminated.”

According to a U.S. government study, there is a strong correlation between learning and sustained employment. Workers who continuously learning is able to adapt to the changing environment and stay competitive in the job market. Workers who demonstrate that they are willing to learn new things are seen as highly motivated and highly valued. On the contrary, workers who do not develop the lifelong learning, who just maintain a position are considered “Lazy” and must be “discarded” when their skills are no longer needed. In this highly competitive job market, there are hundred applicants for a few positions and if you do not contribute positively to the business, you will not last long.

Even you already have a good job, you still need to talk to your manager to seek advice about new knowledge and skills that you will need to improve. You may need to take a few courses or seminars, or even take an online study on your own to keep your skills up to date. If you know that cloud computing skills are an increasingly important part of your job, you may ask your manager to send you to a class or work for someone with skills in this area to help guide you to learn a new skill.

When you are working, it is easy to not pay attention to the changing needs of the job market. However, it is important to make a habit to read about market trends, technology trends that are relating to your profession on a weekly basis. You must ask yourself: Do I have everything that the company need or what the industry is looking for? Are your skills up to date? Today almost every job requires a certain amount of professional development every year to retain your status. Whether this is a requirement or not, make sure you are up-to-date with what is happening in your field, or you could expose yourself to risks.

Lifelong learning takes time and efforts, and sometime it will make you feel uncomfortable with so many changes. However if you can keep this lifelong learning habit throughout your career, you will be able to keep your career much longer, and lead a very productive career to the end.


  • Blogs of Prof. John Vu, Carnegie Mellon University