Lose Weight With Water
Drinking a lot of water can be a useful tool in a dieter’s arsenal when weight loss is a goal. It helps boosts your metabolism, suppresses your appetite, and helps you shed water weight. Getting in the recommended 8-10 glasses a day can be difficult, but with determination, you will soon be on the right track of using water to your weight loss advantage.
Increasing Your Water Consumption
- Drink water throughout the day. Drinking water during the day can help keep you feeling full without consuming high-calorie beverages such as milk, tea with milk, juice and snacks that will make you gain more weight. You may also eat less when you do have a snack, as you should already have the sensation of being full. Consuming fewer calories on a daily basis can help speed weight loss.
- If you do not enjoy drinking water, try flavored water instead. Buy calorie-free flavor packets for a more tasty water experience.
- For more suggestions on ways to enjoy water more, check out https://www.wikihow.com/Love-the-Taste-of-Water.
- Set an alarm reminding you to have your water throughout the day. That way, you do not forget. This will also help you get into the habit of drinking water more regularly.
- Keep water near you. Always having a water bottle around will make it easier on you to drink more water. Buy a refillable bottle and keep it handy when you are home, at work, or out running errands.
- Drink a glass of water before every meal. The feeling of fullness will help you eat less, thus consuming fewer calories for improved weight loss results.
- Don't forget to monitor portion size and calorie intake as well. Water doesn't cancel out an unhealthy diet.Drink a full glass of water before, during, and after a meal to aid digestion and speed weight loss from the water. The water will help your body to break down the food and absorb its nutrients.
- Replace sweetened drinks with water. Instead of drinking soda, alcoholic beverages, smoothies, or other high-calorie drinks, grab a glass or bottle of water. Swapping in a zero-calorie beverage for high-calorie alternatives can spare you hundreds of calories per day, further aiding in weight loss.
- Match any alcohol consumption with equal amounts of water. This matched fluid intake should not count toward your daily water intake. Any water you drink for this purpose should be in addition to your daily water goal.
- Drink water and cut salt intake to lose water weight. Reducing the amount of dietary salt you consume can help you lose water weight quickly, particularly when combined with an increase in daily water intake.
- Try other flavors and spices instead of salt to flavor foods. Fresh herbs or garlic do not have negative health impacts and can be added to up the flavor of many foods.
- If a brand offers a low-sodium option, opt for that one. That is an easy way to enjoy the foods you love without the unnecessary salt.
- Sodium content is not always obvious, so check the nutrition label. Canned and frozen vegetables are high in salt, as are most restaurant dishes.Many restaurants now publish nutrition information online, so you can check it before you order.
Trying a Detox Water Diet
- Try a short detox diet focused on drinking water infused with vegetables and fruit. Purchase some vegetables and fruits to infuse in your waters such as cucumbers, melons, strawberries, mint leaves and other herbs, different citrus fruits, apples, and pineapple.
- Consider buying glasses with lids such as mason jars or tumblers with attached straws. You can make individual waters all at once and store them in your fridge.
- The vegetables and fruits should be as fresh as possible, as should the water. If the fruits and vegetables begin to age, throw them away and restock.
- Decide how long you will do the detox diet. Doing a diet such as this for too long will have negative effects,Ask your doctor about possible health issues before you begin this diet.in that your body is not getting all the nutrients it normally does such as fiber and protein. It is best to do it for a week or less.
- If you have diet limitations, this might not be a good way for you to lose weight.
- If you find yourself overly fatigued or dizzy, stop this diet and go back to normal eating habits. Your overall health is more important than quick weight loss.
- Place the cut-up the fruits and vegetables in the water and refrigerate for a few hours. You can make a pitcher of one type of water you enjoy,The fruit and vegetables may rot or ferment after three days.or individual servings of many different combinations. Experiment and find the flavor mixes that you like best.
- Be sure to not add any sugar or other sweetener, though it may be tempting. If you want to add different spices like cinnamon or nutmeg, that is fine. Avoid anything that would promote water retention, such as sodium, or has calories.
- Cut off the rinds of any citrus fruits to avoid bitter flavors.
- It is best to store it in the fridge, but it can be stored at room temperature for up to one day.
- Drink at least the recommended amount of 64 ounces of water a day. Do not drink it all in one sitting, but instead have one cup of water at a time over the course of 9-10 water breaks. This is to replenish the water you lose throughout the day. Drink more water if you can; 64 ounces is the minimum.
- It might be best to do this over a period of time away from work and other obligations so you can focus on drinking as much water that is as fresh as possible. If you cannot do this, try the diet over a weekend when you are spending a lot of time at home.
- There will be a lot of bathroom breaks during this time. Stay near a restroom so you will not have to go hunting for one when the need strikes.
- Eat water rich food throughout the diet. When you do eat, find foods that have a high water content. Fruit and vegetables are great for this. Try watermelon, strawberries, zucchini, peaches, tomatoes, cauliflower, pineapple, eggplant, or broccoli. If you must eat meat, have a lean meat like chicken or turkey instead of red meat or pork.
- Combine a calorie-restricted diet and a water diet. Drinking 16 ounces of water before each meal and limiting daily calorie intake (1200 for women and 1500 for men) can jumpstart weight loss and help dieters maintain weight loss successfully for up to a year.
- Remember that this is not a long-term solution. Though this diet may help you to drop weight quickly, if your overall lifestyle does not promote healthy living, you will more than likely gain this weight back.
Following a Water Fast
- Decide how long you want to fast for. Typically, just a few days is best. If you do not think you can tolerate that long, try just a 24 hour period to start. If at the end of that 24 hours you feel as if you can continue, feel free to do so.
- Remember that this is a temporary way to try and lose weight quickly. If you cannot follow-through with the entire fast, it is fine to stop and resume normal eating habits.
- Do the fast intermittently. Do a short fast, and then try it again in a few weeks or a month.
- Check with your doctor. You do not want to do this fast if you have any dietary or health restrictions that will jeopardize your well-being. It is not worth it. Think of other ways to lose weight if you cannot fast.
- If you cannot do a full fast, try replacing one or two meals with just water and having a low-calorie dinner as a means to jumpstart weight loss.
- Never attempt a water fast if you have diabetes, or while pregnant or breastfeeding.Be warned that this diet might have some lingering effects due to a lack of protein and fiber during the diet. This could lead to low energy levels and poor bowel health. Consider this before starting your fast.
- Eat lightly for a few days to prepare your body for the fast. Up your water intake, eat an increased amount of fruits and vegetables, only lean meats, and brown rice.
- Avoid adding salt to your food, as these help the body to retain water versus passing it, which is what you would want.
- Do not exercise. Even though you want to lose weight and exercising is great way to aid in this, avoid it during this time. It would be too strenuous on your body for you to exert this energy and lose fluids through sweating.
- Commence fasting. Drink only water for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and throughout the day when you feel hungry. Pay attention to your body during this time. Note any hunger triggers. If you find yourself feeling dizzy, sip some tea or seltzer water to help calm your system and get you back on track.
- Fifteen minutes of meditation can also be utilized during this fast. Focus on your emotional well-being and clear your head of any unwanted thoughts and feelings. Check out this link for more tips on meditation https://www.wikihow.com/Meditate.
- Consider taking herbal supplements or finding a safe water additive to balance electrolytes. Although the water fast does not permit sweeteners or solid food during the fast, it often recommends prune supplements or natural salts to prevent water intoxication.
- Introduce light foods back into your diet. Try and eat like you did before the fast to build back up your body gradually. Have raw fruits and vegetables, lean meats, brown rice, and keep up your water intake.
- Gaining a few pounds back after a water fast is normal, due to rebuilding lost muscle mass.Even if you gain back the weight, do not be discouraged and feel as if your fast had no results. Keep up other healthy habits like better dieting and regular exercise to maintain weight loss.
Other Weight Loss Solutions
- Try the green tea diet. This one just requires you to have an 8oz glass or hot or cold green tea four times a day, when you first get up and before every meal. The tea will help boost antioxidants in your system and help you to feel full before meals, thus eating less.
- Have more tea instead of snacking. The increase in fluids will help with your weight loss as well as not consuming so many calories from eating.
- Continue to drink water throughout the day. Green tea can actually dehydrate you. To avoid this, have your normal amount of water along with the tea.
- Try a juicing diet. This is a great, easy way to get more fruits and vegetables in your diet. Find a good juicer or blender that can get the food to smoothie consistency. You may opt to only juice during this time period, or just replace a meal or two with a healthy smoothie, typically breakfast and lunch. Try and keep this diet up for a week.
- Make sure to not just focus on fruits, but also vegetables. Leafy ones like kale and spinach work well. Add an apple to sweeten your smoothies if you do not want an all vegetable one.
- Have a healthy dinner of raw veggies and lean meats. It would be counterproductive to binge on unhealthy food during this time.
- If you find you are hungry have more juice, water, or a snack like almonds or dried fruit to curb your hunger.
- Incorporate clean eating in your diet. This entails mostly unprocessed eating foods that are free of preservatives and additives. Incorporate fresh vegetables, fruits, and organic foods, and staying away from anything artificial such as sweeteners and dyes. This will ensure that you are eating food in its most natural state, which is the healthiest for you.
- Always read the label to check for ingredients. If you can’t pronounce something, look it up. It might be the technical term for something well-known and not harmful. If the ingredient list is overrun with items that are not recognizable, avoid buying it.
- Shop at whole food markets or farmer’s markets. These are the best places to find food that is closest to its natural state.
- Grow your own produce. There’s nothing more organic than something grown in your own backyard. Try a vegetable and fruit garden as a means to help monitor what is going into your body.
- Make things yourself. Finding some recipes for things like salad dressing, ice cream, or even baby food will help you to know exactly what your family is eating.
- Make lifestyle changes that support healthy living. Exercise and healthy eating are the most effective ways of losing weight and keeping it off. Talk to your doctor or see a nutritionist to help you with learning the mistakes you might be making and outlining a health plan you can follow.
- Avoid crash diets as they only provide temporary results. It is best to learn healthier habits for the long run.
- Be patient with weight loss. Losing a lot of weight quickly does not mean that you did it in a way that will last. Focus more on having a healthy lifestyle than rapid weight loss.
- Increasing water intake or water dieting will be most effective at boosting weight loss when combined with an exercise plan and a healthy, balanced diet.
- Alternatively, you can follow a Water Diet that emphasizes significant increases in water intake without necessarily requiring exercise or food changes to lose weight. Although these diets can be risky if you do not have sufficient mineral and electrolyte intake, they are otherwise free and easy to follow. For some people, they can result in significant weight loss.
- Research has demonstrated that relative and absolute increases in the amount of water drunk each day can improve weight loss results among dieters. Try increasing your daily water intake to meet or slightly exceed recommended daily amounts. Typical daily water intake recommendations are {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} per day for adult men and {{safesubst:#invoke:convert|convert}} per day for adult women, from all sources (drinking water, other beverages, and foods).
- If you are an endurance athlete, ask a health professional about appropriate quantities of water to drink during exercise; he or she may recommend alternating water with a sports drink containing electrolytes.
- Increasing your fluid intake may also cause you to require more frequent trips to the restroom, so plan for regular access.
- It is possible to drink too much water, which can cause an electrolyte imbalance, kidney damage, and death. Do not drink water to excess or replace meals with water without careful replacement of electrolytes.
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Sources and Citations
- ↑ http://life.gaiam.com/article/how-drinking-more-water-can-help-you-lose-weight
- http://www.self.com/flash/health-blog/2013/01/3-reasons-to-drink-water-before-each-meal/
- http://www.webmd.com/food-recipes/reduce-salt-in-your-diet
- <http://advancingyourhealth.org/bariatric-weight-loss/2013/07/01/infused-water-recipes-cucumber-water/>
- ↑ http://www.inhabitots.com/how-to-make-fruit-and-vegetable-infused-water-in-mason-jars/
- http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/list-fruits-vegetable-high-water-content-8958.html
- ↑ http://www.allaboutfasting.com/water-fasting-tips.html
- http://www.webmd.com/diet/is_fasting_healthy
- http://healthyeating.sfgate.com/phases-water-fasting-12172.html
- http://www.med-health.net/Green-Tea-Diet.html
- http://news.health.com/2014/01/09/what-is-clean-eating/