Make Cash on Dragonfable

Make money quickly with this method. Please look at the tips for more information.


Going to Warlock's Zone

  1. Gather your team weapons, armors and anything else you will need and travel to Warlock's Zone. Once there, go to the next screen, then right and enter the cave.
  2. Refill your health by the fountain and go through the cave, taking the lower path (it is an easy cave as long as you have a good water weapon).
  3. Once you get to the boss, just focus on killing him and let your team take out the side elementals; they only have 10 health each.
  4. Walk into the light and collect your item, usually 80-250 gold each.
  5. Go to Amytivale. Talk to Thursday and ask for quests. Do the crystal clear lake quest. If you are strong enough it should only take a minute or so. Your reward is a silver weapon that sells for either 178 or 230.
  6. You can also go to the wind village and do the first quest and get about 150 gold for every time you go through.

Going to Robina's Zone

  1. Go to Robina's zone.
  2. Do bounty hunting quest.
  3. Gives you 50 to 600 gold each time plus a weapon you can sell.

Doing the Quest Potion Mastery

  1. Here's a really good way, you get about 300-500 gold in only 45 seconds
  2. You need good memory, go to Warlock's zone and talk to Nytheria.
  3. Do the quest potion mastery. All you need to do is a simple game of repeating what you just saw,
  4. Your reward will be a piece of junk, but expensive, sell it and you'll get 500g! Some junk is 300g but still good money!

Killing Gorgok

  1. If you are a Dragon Lord then go to your quest log and hit Willowshire.
  2. Click on Gorgok
  3. Do the Gorgok quest and kill Gorgok! It's really rewarding it gives 2000 experience and 400 gold!

Using Ballyhoo

  1. Go to Falconreach.
  2. Find Ballyhoo.
  3. Watch her ads
  4. Earn Gold or DC's if your lucky enough
  5. Do it until no more ads then tomorrow and again and again

Wrath of Wargoth

  1. Get ChickenCow armor.
  2. Go to the Wrath of Wargoth quest.
  3. Equip the armor before going into the quest.
  4. When fighting the boss, use the run away skill and sell the weapons. Some weapons will even sell for 800 gold.

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