Make Cash on Dragonfable
Make money quickly with this method. Please look at the tips for more information.
Going to Warlock's Zone
- Gather your team weapons, armors and anything else you will need and travel to Warlock's Zone. Once there, go to the next screen, then right and enter the cave.
- Refill your health by the fountain and go through the cave, taking the lower path (it is an easy cave as long as you have a good water weapon).
- Once you get to the boss, just focus on killing him and let your team take out the side elementals; they only have 10 health each.
- Walk into the light and collect your item, usually 80-250 gold each.
- Go to Amytivale. Talk to Thursday and ask for quests. Do the crystal clear lake quest. If you are strong enough it should only take a minute or so. Your reward is a silver weapon that sells for either 178 or 230.
- You can also go to the wind village and do the first quest and get about 150 gold for every time you go through.
Going to Robina's Zone
- Go to Robina's zone.
- Do bounty hunting quest.
- Gives you 50 to 600 gold each time plus a weapon you can sell.
Doing the Quest Potion Mastery
- Here's a really good way, you get about 300-500 gold in only 45 seconds
- You need good memory, go to Warlock's zone and talk to Nytheria.
- Do the quest potion mastery. All you need to do is a simple game of repeating what you just saw,
- Your reward will be a piece of junk, but expensive, sell it and you'll get 500g! Some junk is 300g but still good money!
Killing Gorgok
- If you are a Dragon Lord then go to your quest log and hit Willowshire.
- Click on Gorgok
- Do the Gorgok quest and kill Gorgok! It's really rewarding it gives 2000 experience and 400 gold!
Using Ballyhoo
- Go to Falconreach.
- Find Ballyhoo.
- Watch her ads
- Earn Gold or DC's if your lucky enough
- Do it until no more ads then tomorrow and again and again
Wrath of Wargoth
- Get ChickenCow armor.
- Go to the Wrath of Wargoth quest.
- Equip the armor before going into the quest.
- When fighting the boss, use the run away skill and sell the weapons. Some weapons will even sell for 800 gold.
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