Make Coffee Ice Cubes

On a hot day, watered down coffee is the last thing you want to drink. Freezing coffee as ice cubes creates a richer way to enjoy a full tasting iced coffee drink for the duration of the drink.

Yields about 12 ice cubes.


  • 1 1/2 cups (350 ml) coffee, freshly brewed (still hot to ensure freshness)
  • Sweetener, to taste


  1. Pour the freshly brewed coffee into the ice cube tray.

  2. Place the ice cube tray in the freezer.

  3. Freeze the coffee liquid until solid.

  4. Add the ice cubes to your favorite iced coffee drink and enjoy.

    • If you prefer, you can fill the glass with the coffee ice cubes and keep adding hot coffee and a little cream or milk. As the ice cubes melt, the hot coffee cools down and you have a full flavored coffee drink to refresh you on a hot day.


  • If your blender can crush ice, you can add coffee ice cubes to smoothies.
  • Enjoy these coffee ice cubes in a glass of milk.
  • Add any sweeteners, such as sugar or stevia.
  • Using freshly brewed coffee will hold in the taste. It's not recommended to use old, warm coffee for this reason.
  • Cold brew your coffee for a rich coffee flavor and a much lower acidity, simply prepare like tea but do not heat, leave soaking overnight in a pitcher of water. substitute coconut water(instead of water) for a rich flavor. Add milk as desired.

Things You'll Need

  • Ice cube tray
  • Coffee maker
  • Freezer

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