Make Fake Snow with Styrofoam

It is possible to make fake snow with styrofoam that can be fun to play with or passable for filming a snow scene in a home movie.


  1. Get styrofoam.
  2. Get a fork. Shred them until they're all ground.
  3. Make a big white, ball.
  4. If you have an air-conditioning unit, turn it on the coldest temperature.
  5. Put all the shredded snowballs in a big plastic.
  6. Get a rope, punch a hole in the plastic then put it above the ceiling(in your room).
  7. Paste the plastic with styrofoam above the ceiling.
  8. Then when you turn on your air conditioner, get a jacket and a mitten!
  9. Hold the rope then pull it so that the snowballs will fall down and there goes your improvised snowball!


  • Make a way on how you will make fall the styrofoam balls on the ground.
  • Try asking an adult to help you.


  • Clean up the styrofoam balls after playing with them.
  • Also, turn off the mini electric fan.

Things You'll Need

  • Styrofoam
  • Fork or shredder
  • container
  • Rope or string
  • Air conditioner or turbo fan

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