Make Homework Fun and Fast

Are you falling behind on homework because it's boring you to death? Do you keep putting it off and never seem to have the motivation? Well, read on! This article could help you a lot with your problem and show you that homework is not as bad as it seems!


  1. Get in a nice, neat, comfortable spot where you can relax and not have any distractions. This will help you focus better.
  2. Get a snack while you're working to give you a little something else to do. A fun way to reward yourself for doing homework is getting a snack/food you love, and then each time you finish a problem or pass a certain point you can take a bite!
  3. If you're too hot or too cold you will be uncomfortable. Make sure your room is a temperature you're comfortable in.
  4. Pretend! Pretend you are a teacher, and you're asking the students questions. If you're doing Math, it may be helpful to get a dry-erase board and write the problems on there. This will make your work very productive, if you're a visual/color learner.
  5. Every 30-45 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break to keep you awake and not let yourself get too bored. Set a timer so when it goes off, you're back and ready to work some more! Don't get yourself burned out. It is VITAL to take breaks, but don't forget about your homework!
  6. You can find a study partner. Study partners can be really good, or really bad. Make sure your friend is willing to buckle down and do the homework. If you and your partner talk too much, then your homework will never get done!
  7. Get extra help if you're stuck! If you don't understand the homework, don't just put it away and give up.
    • Stay before or after school to get extra help from teachers. It may not seem fun, but it will make the homework much easier. Your grades will suffer if you don't understand what's going on!
    • If you have a study partner, as mentioned above, you can ask them if they understand it.
    • Another option is to look up how-to videos online, if it is something like Science or Math.
  8. Turn off electronics which can keep you distracted. Unless of course you're using the internet for help. However, beware of ads! They will suck you in and get you very distracted.
  9. Don't leave it hanging! A good time to do homework is as soon as you can otherwise it will drag and you will end up thinking "oh, i can't be bothered really!".


  • being stuck doesn't matter, staying stuck is, so practice getting un-stuck!
  • If you are bored don't just give up and stop there have a tiny break to wake you up!
  • If you have a partner make sure it is someone that is not someone you will chat to a lot and get sidetracked!
  • Once in a while buy new homework equipment, even just a new pencil. Using it can make you enjoy writing more for your homework, because you feel excited about your new thing.
  • Try turning your homework into a game show! Each right ANSWER gets you a prize and if you get a A you get a big prize.
  • If you're stuck on a question, relax for about a minute then go back to the question. You may find the answer pops into your head!
  • Turn your electronics on Airplane Mode and put on relaxing music.


  • If you like listening to music while you work, try not to listen to songs with words as this could distract you.
  • Don't sleep or nap during a break. During your break you should only go to the restroom, wash your face off, get a drink/snack, or take a quick walk and get fresh air.
  • Try to steer clear of junk/sugary food. It may give you energy, but only for a little bit and then you'll crash!
  • Don't get into the habit of rewarding yourself with food. It may be okay for now, but it can lead to major weight gain. If you really feel like you need to, stick to healthy foods. Try cucumber slices w/ ranch!
  • Do NOT text, not even one. One text will turn in two, then three, and so on... You will run out of time for your homework if you start texting!

Things You'll Need

  • Pencil, paper, eraser,sharpener, stapler, ruler
  • Snacks/Gum (optional)
  • other helpful equipment

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