Make Inexpensive Yarn Dread Falls

This is a method to use to make yarn dread falls. It might not be elegant but it works well and doesn't take very much yarn.


Making the dreadfalls

  1. Pick out a base and accent colour (optional) for your falls.
  2. Choose a material(s) the same colour(s) as the yarn.
  3. Cut the material to the desired length you want the falls to be. If you chose a thinner material, bunch it before you cut it width-way as the width of the material will get thinner as you wrap the yarn around it.
  4. Begin by taking a strand of whatever material you are using and secure it to the edge of a table top.
    • Tape is a good way to secure the yarn to the table.
  5. Leaving 1/2 to 1 cm (1/4 to 1/2 in.) from the top, attach yarn to the material you chose by tying a knot.
  6. Start wrapping the yarn very tightly around the material. Be sure that it is tight enough that you don't see any gaps and that gaps won't form due to handling the falls over time. When you have wrapped the dread to the bottom, cut the yarn leaving a couple centimeters (about 1 in.) of excess, so you can tie off the loose end.
    • You can estimate how much yarn you'll need for a strand, but it uses more than you'll think so leave it attached to the bundle until you're done with the strand.
  7. Continue doing this until you have the desired number of strands for your falls. Bunch the strands in your hand to make sure you have enough before you secure them to an elastic or ribbon.
    • For dreads the size of a sharpie marker 30 to 40 strands is recommended.
  8. Sew your dreads to another material so that they are bunched together and can be installed. Some people do this with elastics, the downside of this method is that the elastics can stretch over time. Try cutting out some funky patterned material and using that as your ribbon. Or you could just use actual ribbon.
    • Once you have sewn all of your dreads into the material of your choice, you're ready to install them.

Installing the dreadfalls

  1. Put your hair up in either a high ponytail or two high pigtails.
  2. Flip your head upside down and wrap the ribbon of dreads around your existing ponytail or pigtail from the underside, now facing up. Flip your head back up and tie a bow with the ribbon. You should now have your dread falls installed.
    • If your hair is thicker, try straightening it so that its less poofy and obvious under the falls. Sometimes this gives it lift, and sometimes it just looks weird. If your hair is naturally thin, don't worry about hiding your hair cause the falls will do it.


  • Don't stab yourself with the sewing needle.

Things You'll Need

  • Yarn of whatever colour you choose. Usually one regular sized bundle will do. Grab another colour to make a few different coloured dreads to give it some flavour if you want. Try to grab a textured yarn. Not the really fuzzy stuff or the baby blanket yarn. If you choose the right type of yarn it will give you a much more realistic look in the finished product.
  • Material to use as a base to form your dreads. This could be anything, an old curtain, an old t-shirt, jeans... anything that you don't have to buy will be fine. After all, this is the cheap way to get your falls. You will also need a second material it can be one of the colours from your falls or just a sick pattern. This material will show as it will be the ribbon holding the falls to your natural hair. If you want you can just make an extra single dread and sew the rest to that so its less obvious.
  • Tape or safety pins. These are to hold the material in place on a stable surface while you wrap each individual dread. If you tape them to the edge of a table, make sure the tape is really sticky. You could also use a safety pin and pin it to your couch or mattress.
  • Scissors.
  • Sewing needles.
  • Thread to match your material.

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