Make Online Banking Safer

Online banking is a convenient way to manage and monitor your bank accounts at any time, even after business hours - but of course, there is a risk that comes with that convenience. You will want to minimize your risk of having your money or private information stolen by scammers or hackers.


Using Online Banking Safely as Customer

  1. Always access your online banking securely. Do not sign in to your online banking while you are using public WiFi, such as the free WiFi at an airport or coffee shop.
    • If you are using a shared computer to access your online banking, be sure to log out completely before stepping away from the computer - even if it's only for a moment.
  2. Before entering any login information, be sure you are on the correct website. Some scammers will create 'spoof' websites that look just like a real bank's website, with a web address that is only one letter off or with a common misspelling of the bank's name. They then collect the information that customers mistakenly input, thinking they are signing into their online banking. If you open your online banking and the website looks different from usual, double-check the URL to be sure you are really at the correct address.
  3. Use secure passwords and change your password often. Do not use the same password for your online banking and your email account. Do not use easily guessed passwords like 'password' or '1234', or passwords based on your name, date of birth, or other information that someone might be able to easily find out about you.
    • Remember that your email password should be secure and changed frequently as well, as your bank may send sensitive emails to you that you would not want a scammer to access, such as emails containing your monthly statement.
    • Remember that saving your password in your browser may come with additional risk, if your computer itself is compromised.
  4. Use your online banking to monitor your account activity. One of the benefits of online banking is that you can check your account activity at any time, and often see transactions in greater detail than may be shown on your monthly statement. If you see any suspicious transactions, investigate them immediately and report them to your bank or the police if you suspect fraud.
  5. Be wary of phishing emails. Your bank may occasionally send you emails pertaining to your account activity or special deals they are offering. A scammer might send you an email that imitates this kind of communication, often with an alarming subject line implying that your account has been frozen or that fraudulent activity has been detected, or an exciting subject line implying that someone has unexpectedly sent you money. You may be asked to click on a link, open a file, or respond with personal and financial information.
    • Review the format of the email. Look out for misspellings, strangely short messages, broken images, or inaccurate or outdated logos. These are all red flags of a phishing scam.
    • Check the sender's email address. If you can, compare it to emails you have received in the past from the bank. Look out for addresses that misspell the bank's name or are generic.
    • If you are at all suspicious, then do not click any links, open any files, or respond to the email in any way. Instead, open a seperate tab and navigate to your online banking the usual way to check if your account really is frozen or overdrawn. You can also print out the email and bring it in to a branch to review with a banker; they will be able to tell you if it is a real email or a scam.
    • If you realize you have accidentally provided information to a phishing scammer, contact your bank immediately and explain what happened. They will be able to lock your accounts to prevent your funds being stolen.
  6. Review your bank's online security protocol. Most banks are happy to provide information on how they provide you a safer online banking experience. You can talk to a customer service representative in person when setting up your online banking, or review your bank's website for details. Being familiar with your bank's online security features will allow you to make the most use of them.

Improving Online Security as a Banking Representative

  1. Be familiar with common scams. Your customers will rely on you as the ultimate authority in whether or not they have been scammed, and you should know how to identify common scams such as phishing emails and spoofed websites, as well as how your customers can avoid falling for these tricks.
  2. Be familiar with your bank's online security features. You should be able to explain to customers in-depth how to properly use the security features that you offer. Some customers may need more help than others; customers who are not very familiar with computers may not understand how to choose a good password, or why their password choice would be important.
  3. Remember to set a good example. If a customer requests that you sign into their online banking for them to assist them with something, thank them for their trust, but remind them that nobody should ever access their online banking other than themselves. Instead, offer them a computer (if one is available for customer use) and invite them to sign in privately, and then you can walk them through their transaction. Tell your customers that no banking representative should ever require their online banking password to assist them.
  4. Be ready to address customer concerns. If a customer comes to you with a concern that their online banking has been compromised, do not dismiss them. Listen carefully to everything they have to say, and look at anything they may have brought with them to show you.
    • If the customer has been scammed, you should write down whatever the customer tells you about the scam, and if possible, make a copy of anything they have brought in. Pass this along to the appropriate party, ideally your Fraud and Security department. They may be able to warn other customers about the scam and prevent any further fraud.
    • If the customer has not been scammed, reassure them that everything is alright but that they have done the right thing by being cautious. If possible, show them how they can identify that this situation was not a scam, so that they are better-prepared in the future.
  5. Be proactive. You can be a valuable resource to both your employer and your customers by being vigilant towards online scams.
    • If your bank's website does not list common scams and security tips, offer to write some up yourself.
    • If you hear of a new scam on the rise, share that information with your coworkers and your manager so that everyone is prepared to help customers guard against this new threat.
    • If you feel that your online banking interface could be more secure, discuss your concerns with the appropriate person in your bank.