Make Peppermint and Tea Tree Mouthwash

Commercial mouthwash contains a lot of ingredients that aren't even decipherable. Skip the fear that you can't be sure what you're ingesting by making your own mouthwash that feels just as great and works just as well. The peppermint and tea-tree oil used in this mouthwash will freshen your breath, as well as keeping bacteria at bay.


  • 1 1/4 cups distilled water
  • 6 drops peppermint oil
  • 6 drops tea-tree oil


  1. Gather the ingredients.
  2. Sterilize a bottle that you will keep the mouthwash in.
  3. Pour the mineral water into the bottle.
  4. Add the essential oils.
  5. Put the lid on the bottle and shake well to mix the ingredients.
  6. Start gargling. As with any mouthwash, try not to swallow. Shake before each use.


  • In the amounts provided, the ingredients are not harmful but care should be taken not to swallow the mouthwash after use as the bacteria and mouthwash are better outside your body than in it!

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