Make Up Reasonable Excuses for Being Late

Some people wake up before their alarm goes off and are all excited to start a fresh new day, well let me tell you those are very rare species which are endangered. Many a times people wake up late for an important job interview or meeting or the first day of school so they have to get a good excuses after all 'Knowledge is Power'


  1. Answer confidently to convince the other person.
  2. Stand up straight and confidently when you're actually speaking the excuse. Don't turn your face away from the person you are talking to. Talk in an apologetic tone.
  3. Refer to the person respectfully and talk lightly but confidently. Do not stutter. Try to pass out a compliment for the person if the situation is appropriate.
  4. Answer back real quick to prove that you're excuse is very much real! Do not let them think you are thinking of an excuse so plan your excuse in advance.


  • Make sure your excuses are realistic.
  • Confidently look into the eyes of the person you are talking to.
  • Try to keep a straight face with a smile or neutral look depending on the situation.
  • Try to keep your excuses reasonable and convincing. Don't get caught up in a web of lies
  • Try not to sound too sorry or else the person you're speaking to will get suspicious.
  • Never go umm umm and then umm when giving you're excuses you'll just end up getting caught and looking like a fool
  • If your boss or teacher is a dog lover you could say " My dog ran away and I was looking for her all morning.
  • A good excuse is "I wasn't very well yesterday and it made me really tired. I didn't hear my alarm as I was very tired I am sorry I was late, it won't happen again".
  • Some good excuses are: "I was on my way to work, but on the way some guy spilled coffee on me so I had to go back and change", "I was helping an injured man/woman" etc. If you're boss is a dog lover try using something like "I saved a dog from getting hit by a truck", "My cat knocked off my alarm", "The taxi driver took me to the wrong building", etc.
  • A coupe examples: "I had to help [insert name here] because she fell over," or "We played football and I kicked the ball. I lost it, then ran to get it and I was delayed."


  • Do not make excuses which can be traced back. It will result you in getting caught.
  • Keep your excuses convincing and hard to trace. You are not living in a film or fantasy world.
  • Not all of us are good liars and you might get caught at some point if your show is not convincing.
  • Realize that making excuses is not a way of life and learn to be punctual.
  • Some people who know us better can see right through our excuses. In those cases its best to tell them the truth.

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