Make Up a Random Song
Random songs are easy and simple to make. Just say the things you are thinking in your head and make it up into a song.. For an example your title is called "dog" just put it into a song like this.... "Hey, Hey I saw this dog on the road... and just keep on going!"
- Put that person or object in your head and remember it. For example, pillows, your friends, family, or a gift.
- Think of something that recently happened to you. For example, playing with your lovable pet or getting dumped.
- Try putting those things in one sentence some way, like playing with your pet pillow.
- Add more verses to your song. Right now you only have one sentence. For instance, "Playing with my pet pillow, is the funniest thing to do ..., except if you have two ... ."
- Make up or find a tune that fits your weird song.
- Sing it over and over again in your head until you've got it memorized.
- Now just remember to sing your song all the time to remember it no matter what it could be. If you are just doing this for fun, just make up silly words and put them in randomly into your new weird song!
- Remember, to have fun doing it! You might want to do it in front of friends and family.
- Use your feelings. Just express a good beat and let the words flow.
- You can also make up a song by writing what you are thinking about.
- Try to make the words simpler and cool otherwise they will not go right into your verse.
- If you're having trouble with coming up with a tune, try using a tune of a familiar song.
- If ever you are bored and with friends, wait for inspiration to hit or for somebody to say something random. Add to whatever was said and eventually you will have a nice song.
- Sing your song with a group of friends for added fun and annoyance.
- School excursions are good places to add verses to songs.
- Think of something you like and something you don't and put them together.
- For added effect: record the song and add orchestration, then send it to your friends or put it in your blog.
- You can use some of your random songs to annoy people, but test it on other people before using it on your enemies.
- If you want to use the song to annoy people, sing it in a weird, obnoxious voice.
- Taking chorus can help, since you are already exposed to different song types.
- Make up a song about things in life!
- Only annoy people with your songs if you are absolutely sure that they will not harm you physically.
- The outcome of your song may be weirder than expected.
- The song might get stuck in your head for a long time and drive you nuts.
Things You'll Need
- Pencil and paper
- Microphone (optional, but best)
- Audience
- Music CD (optional, but, you certainly want a recording of your random song)
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Sources and Citations
- If you have trouble coming up with an original tune, you can easily create your own using Hyperscore.