Make Your Butt Bigger

If your butt is on the smaller side, you might be looking for ways to give it a boost. Wearing the right pants, doing certain exercises and adjusting your weight can help you make your butt go up a few sizes. Getting a bigger butt is within reach, if you follow these steps.


Working Your Body

  1. Change your walk. How you carry yourself can highlight or obscure different parts of your body. Throw your shoulders back and arch your lower back. This will not only make your butt more prominent, but it'll also slim your torso a bit and make your chest look bigger.
    • Imitate the way runway models walk. Imagine there's a straight line running on the ground ahead of you, and it's located exactly beneath your belly button, in the center between your two feet. When you take a step, move your foot toward the center of your body, putting it down on this imaginary line. Then put your other foot down on that line, directly in front of your first foot. Keep walking this way, one foot in front of the other and clench your glutes.
    • To further emphasize your curves with a feminine swagger, follow the steps in How to Walk Like a Diva.
  2. Build up your butt muscles. You can actually make your butt rounder and larger by strengthening the muscles in it, known as your glutes. Do the following exercises at least 3 times a week for the fastest results:
    • Butt Bridges. Lie on your back with your knees bent and your arms at your sides. Lift your butt toward the ceiling, then lower it. Do 3 sets of 10 repetitions.
    • Squats. The ultimate butt expanding exercise is the full squat. Stand erect with your feet about shoulder width apart and your arms extended in front of you. Bend your knees to a ninety degree angle with your back straight, then rise back up. Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions.
    • Lunges. Stand erect with your feet about shoulder width apart. Keep your back leg straight and bend your front leg to lunge. Return to starting position, then alternate with your other leg. Do 3 sets of 20 lunges.
    • Do kick backs. Stand on one leg. With the leg that is free off the ground, kick it back until you see your butt squeeze into a bubble. Repeat 10 times and switch. To add resistance, use ankle weights.
  3. Tighten your core muscles. Working on your core can tone your belly, making it look tighter and smaller compared to your butt. Exercise your core at least 3 times per week for best results. Start off with these exercises:
    • Leg lifts. Leg lifts (or raises) might sound like they're focused on your legs, but really they'll help work your abs. Lie flat on your back with your legs stretched out in front of you. Bend your legs and raise them, keeping your toes pointed. Straighten your legs so that they're pointed at the ceiling. Slowly lower your legs to about an inch off the floor. Repeat 5 times, then rest for 30 seconds.
    • Twist crunches. Lie on your back on the floor and bend your knees. Put your hands behind your head, keeping your elbows bent. Lift one shoulder off the ground, and twist to the opposite direction. For instance, if you lift your left shoulder up, twist your body toward the right. Repeat, alternating shoulders. Do 10 on each side.
  4. Try sports that build your leg and buttocks muscles. A hobby you enjoy could also simultaneously enhance your rear. Here are some possibilities:
    • Running
    • Cycling
    • Swimming
    • Gymnastics
    • Skiing
    • Volleyball
    • Soccer
    • Field Hockey
    • Cheerleading
  5. Adjust your weight. Whether you should gain weight or lose weight in order to make your butt bigger (relative to the rest of your body) depends on your natural body type, which is controlled by genetics. When you gain weight, where does the fat go first?
    • If it tends to go to the butt and hip area, gaining a little weight will help fill things out. See How to Gain Weight.
    • If fat goes to your arms, stomach, or back first, losing some weight will make your body more petite in relation to your butt, which makes your butt look bigger. Read How to Lose Weight. This is especially true if you carry extra weight on your waistline. Getting a smaller waist can make your butt look bigger, even if it didn't change a bit. See How to Lose Belly Fat.

Changing Your Clothes

  1. Pick the right pants. The right pair of jeans can seemingly transform your butt, making it appear round and perky. Consider the following next time you buy a pair of jeans:
    • Keep the fit tight. Baggy pants will "drown" your curves, making them impossible to see underneath too much fabric. Skinny jeans or jeggings are ideal for showing off your butt. If you're not quite comfortable with that, try bootcut or regular jeans with a fitted rear.
    • Look at pocket placement. Small, high back pockets will make your butt appear larger. Additionally, pockets with embellishments such as sequins, stitching, or colored thread can add more interest and "direct traffic" (or draw the eye) to your rear. Avoid jeans with big pockets or no pockets at all.
    • Try high-waisted jeans — the top of the pants should fit around the slimmest part of your waist, making it look small and your butt appear bigger.
    • Wearing low-rise jeans (that hit at the widest part of your hips) with a fitted shirt can also give the illusion of a bigger rear.
    • Avoid dark wash jeans, which will make your legs and rear look smaller (especially if you're wearing a light-colored top). Instead, try white, pastel, or light blue jeans.
  2. Cinch up your waist. Emphasizing a small waist will make your bottom look bigger by proportion. Whether your tummy is tiny or not, try these tips to trick the eye:
    • Wear a belt over your waist. Find a medium to large width belt, and tie it around the tiniest part of your waist, over whatever shirt you're wearing. (This looks best over button-down shirts, sweaters, or loose blouses.) For extra emphasis, try using a dark-colored belt over a light shirt.
    • Try a girdle. If you have a little more girth than you'd like around your middle, try a girdle. It should push the excess from your tummy down around your hips and butt. Girdles can be found at most department or lingerie stores.
    • Don't wear horizontal stripes or patterns around your waist. Busy fabrics or colors will emphasize your tummy and make it look bigger. Instead, stick to dark, solid colors on top. It will make your butt look huge and sexy!
  3. Wear high heels. Heels change the natural curve of your spine, causing both your butt and your boobs to protrude more.
    • For an extra-lifted rear end, ditch the kitten heels and go for stilettos.
    • If you're unsure that this works, get in front of a mirror and stand up on your tiptoes (it will help). Take a few steps, and you'll notice how the movements of your legs and rear are a little more exaggerated. Your legs should also look more toned, and your butt should appear to be an inch or two higher.

Using Enhancement Techniques

  1. Get butt enhancing shapewear or padding. You can try shapewear that lifts instantly without major padding, or get padded inserts designed to enhance your butt when you wear jeans and pants. These work quite effectively and make your butt bigger immediately. Choose the size that works best with your clothing and the look you want to achieve.
    • Some jeans are actually sold with butt enhancers sewn in. Look for jeans or leggings that have a little extra padding.
    • Try making your own padding by using the foam filler or the batting material used to fill pillows and quilts.
  2. Consider surgical butt enhancement procedures with caution. Butt fillers, injections, and implants have gained popularity in recent years, but the results are very mixed. In some cases these procedures have led to very uneven looking butt cheeks, with the filler material sliding and moving over time. Worst case scenario, the enhancement procedures lead to severe medical difficulties.[1]
    • Some people have died as a result of receiving toxic injections or implants that were done improperly. It's important to know the potential consequences before you take steps toward getting an enhancement procedure.

Test Your Knowledge

Doc:Make Your Butt Look Bigger Quiz


  • Don't stop exercising after you're happy with your results.
  • Don't stop the exercises once you've reached the body you want or else you're more likely to fall back to how you looked before.
  • Once you've reached your goal, don't let yourself go.
  • Don't expect to see immediate results. It takes time to get the best result, so stay focused and be patient.
  • In building your butt muscles make sure your diet has enough protein to support muscle growth.
  • Do these exercises everyday. Once you're doing them everyday, don't stop! You can play music while you're working out to encourage you and to keep you going and before you know it, you're gonna have a beautiful figure!
  • Don't stop eating, just eat the right kinds of food. Get into a routine of doing squats everyday otherwise you might loose the figure you reach.
  • Have a balance diet and good exercise.
  • Always stay to a healthy diet and never give up!
  • Until you have reached your goal, love yourself just how you are.
  • Go swimming.
  • Do squats! Squats build up your butt muscles!
  • Continue your routine and never stop!
  • Start with 20 squats and work your way up.
  • Have a goal on how you want your body. It may take some time, but try to achieve it. You can do this!
  • Be patient with this process it works with time.
  • Do squats, squats with kick back, toe tipping, plie and lunges.
  • If you are just driving in the car or watching TV at home, squeeze your butt to get your muscles working.
  • Try to keep track of how much you gain over the weeks.
  • Make these tips an everyday routine, stay positive, and make the routine fun so you are motivated to do it everyday.
  • Do lots of twist crunches!
  • Give yourself 1 or 2 days after every 4 day training to allow your muscles to recover.


  • Keep in mind that wearing high heels all the time can permanently damage your feet and knees.
  • Take extreme caution when considering any type of butt enhancement procedure.
  • Embarking on a buttock growing regimen (BGR) is a big commitment; be aware that your favorite large or curvy stars have trainers, money (for surgery) and genetics to help them get the look.

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