Make Your Hair Like Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez has nice, sleek, and pretty hair. If you want to have hair like the Disney Channel actress and singer Selena Gomez, follow the steps and enjoy your new look! You have to follow all of the steps because if you want to have the hair you've got to do it right! Follow the steps and have fun looking great!!


  1. Decide if you want to have Selena's long, or shoulder-length hair. Search up pictures in your favorite search engine of Selena in both hairstyles. You can bring an example photograph of Selena's hairstyle the next time you get your hair cut so the stylist knows exactly what you want. Remember to get full side bangs with fringe if you're getting the long hairstyle!
  2. Wash your hair with shampoo and conditioner. Selena told her fans in a live web cast that she uses Dove shampoo and conditioner on her hair, so try to buy Dove products if you want your hair to be nearly exactly like hers (depending on your hair texture).
  3. Remember to dry your hair (just enough so it would not soak or drip).
  4. Always use a heat protectant spray before using any sort of heat on your hair! Selena Gomez likes to use CHI'S but it's a more expensive brand. A less expensive imitation is Suave. (Heat protectant does not completely remove the risk of heat damage when heat is used on a regular basis.)
  5. If you want straight hair, use a straightening iron to flatten your bangs. If you have the long hairstyle hair extensions are recommended.
  6. For very straight hair, pin or clip each of your layers up separately and straighten the first layer thoroughly, take down middle layer and repeat for it and first layer.
  7. Selena Gomez nearly always has volume to her hair, not extreme volume but just enough. You will most often need to blow dry you're hair upside down, or straighten it up side down. (If you straighten it upside down don't forget to brush it down a little because this adds a lot of volume.)
  8. If you only want volume in the back a good way is a bump-it or slightly tease the 1" section of hair. Spray it with hairspray and immediately afterwards slip the round metal can underneath the strand of hair for a few seconds than remove, this adds TONS OF VOLUME! Brush down a little and repeat for the section underneath it.
  9. If you want your hair curly, there are several ways. For her messy curls heat up you're curling 1" to 2" curling iron to a medium heat, then not using the clamp wrap a 1" strand of hair around the curling iron and hold for about 5 seconds before releasing. Repeat for you're whole head.
  10. For sophisticated curls clip up each layer separately and starting with you're bottom layer with a 1" curling iron curl 1 1/2" sections of hair. Take two curls at a time and twist them together become one to get that bouncy look.
  11. Selena Gomez LOVES to use Velcro rollers. 2" or 3" ones, roll damp hair around them and either leave them in overnight or blow dry them. When dry unravel your beautiful bouncy curls.
  12. In her Disney channel TV show "Wizards of Waverly Place", she sometimes straightens her hair, and uses a clip to either clip her fringe to the side or all the front hair straight backwards.
  13. Sometimes she has it in a ponytail or bun. She normally keeps her fringe and bangs in front. To do this, get a comb and separate your fringe from the back part of your hair, draw the line with the comb, and make sure it is straight. As you do this, use a hairbrush to keep the back part from the front part of your hair.
  14. For a bun pull hair back into a ponytail and on the last twist pull the ponytail halfway through the band and leave it. She often uses a headband to add bounce and volume to the front of your hair.
  15. If you want bunches, part your hair and tie your hair in a high ponytail where you want the bunches to be.
  16. If you want the long layered Selena hair follow these quick and easy steps.
  17. Part your hair slightly to the left. Then, section off your hair in layers and straighten it, then pull two 2" sections of hair from either side of your head to the back of your head until they meet, then bobby pin in place.
  18. If you want her usual style, follow these simple instructions.
  19. Section off your hair in layers and straighten it, then slightly tease the roots of your hair. See warnings for more information on teasing.
  20. Now you can show off your Selena Gomez at school, work, a party, anywhere you want!


  • To get the full effect, try the different styles that Selena has. She changes it up often!
  • Get your hair layered at a salon.
  • You don't have to be or look exactly like Selena Gomez to have great hair.
  • Some websites offer great advice and hair tips to make your hair like [1] and
  • You can also try scrunching your hair. Before you do that, make sure to put hairspray, mousse, and/or curling gel only on the middle and bottom layers of your hair. Applying the products on or near the roots will weigh the curls or waves down.
  • Another option is to braid your hair the night before, but remember this is only if you want curly or wavy hair.
  • Always use heat protectant!
  • Keep you're healthy by rinsing it with lemon juice in the shower or apple cider vinegar diluted with water.
  • Always, ALWAYS remember, you have to let YOURSELF shine through YOUR hairstyle! :D


  • Never straighten without heat protectant.
  • Never put too much hairspray on because you could damage your hair.
  • Use shine serums to add shine to you're hair but never apply to close to roots as this makes hair greasy.
  • Never blow dry hair without having applied heat protectant!
  • Remember, teased hair can get tangled very easily so next time you brush it it may hurt and pull on the roots a little bit.
  • Never curl without heat protectant!

Things You'll Need

  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner (if you use it)
  • Blow dryer
  • Flat iron with ceramic plates
  • Curling iron
  • Hair products (mousse, gel, spray, etc.)
  • A picture of Selena Gomez with her hair in the style that you choose.
  • Curling iron and or Velcro hair rollers.
  • Heat Protectant

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