Make Your Own Face and Body Scrub

At the end of your day does your face feel as dirty as the bottom of your shoes? Scrub off that dirt and say hello to a smooth, soft face with this simple face scrub!


  1. Take one cup of brown sugar and place it in a medium mixing bowl.
  2. Add one cup of white sugar and mix together.
  3. Slowly add sweet almond oil to the sugar until it starts to look like a thick paste.
  4. Add a few drops of essential oil until it smells just right.
  5. Put it in a decorative jar and give it as a gift, or enjoy it yourself.


  • Take a piece of scotch tape and press it onto your forehead. Gently peel it off and look at the tape. If it looks really dull and has a lot of flaky stuff on it, your skin is ready for a good sloughing. Use a gentle scrub like the recipe above, or wash your face with a natural sponge and a mild soap. Be gentle or your skin may get raw and irritated. After you exfoliate, your skin will look much healthier.
  • If your skin is really dry, you need to exfoliate. This means remove the dead skin. But since sloughing can be rough on skin, take the following test first to make sure you need to do it.
  • Use this scrub twice a week on wet skin. Gently rub dry or dull patches with a small palm full of scrub. Avoid rubbing too hard, as it can cause irritation.


  • Make sure you aren't allergic to any of the ingredients.

Things You'll Need

  • One cup brown sugar
  • One cup white sugar
  • Sweet almond oil
  • Any kind of fragrance oil that you want
  • A mason jar for storage

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