Make Your Own Fantasy Kingdom

Making a fantasy kingdom can be an enjoyable experience, though it may not be a short task. If you think you are creative enough, read on!


  1. Think of your kingdom's name and features. Coming up with your kingdom's name might be a little hard; if you're having trouble, take some name ideas from the kingdom itself! For example if your kingdom has a huge forest, you could call it "Green Shadows". You may choose to do this last if you wish.
  2. Choose a name and rank for yourself. You may choose to use your real name(For example, King Matthew the Strong) or make up a whole new name(Queen Matharian the Honorable). Your rank, how high of a position you have in a society, can be anywhere ranging from a peasant to a king.
  3. Draw a map for your kingdom. Design it however you want! You can have stables that hold animals, a village, a river, a treehouse, a castle- whatever you want.
  4. Create a whole variety of things in your kingdom! Buildings, animals, outlaws, or other people; You can have 3 moons and 50 suns in the sky if you want!
  5. Who else is around the area? Are there kingdoms opposing to yours? What are they called? Why are they trying to take over yours?
  6. Create more people in your kingdom. Who is the king/queen? Are there princesses or princes? Ambassadors? What other branches of royalty are there? If you'd like, you can make leaders of villages, under the king, so it's like a village representative, who can make their own laws in the village.


  • You could also read a lot of books. Don't just read fantasy, though. Read anything and everything; it's the best way to get your imagination running!
  • If you think you are going to keep your kingdom for a long time then you could keep a diary recording all your travels.
  • Try writing stories about any of the villager's/citizen's days in the kingdom. Along with the story, you can sketch out a picture to go along with the story.
  • You can watch some different movies for ideas. ("Bridge to Terabithia," "The Chronicles of Narnia," etc.)


  • Don't tell everyone about your little kingdom. They might want to be in it, or make fun of you for using your imagination.
  • Careful who you imagine. If you imagine a bad guy, you have to make sure they don't have the power to beat you, no matter what!

Things You'll Need

  • Notebook
  • Ideas
  • An active imagination

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