Make Your Windows Look Like Stained Glass

Stained glass is a beautiful expression of art that makes use of both sunlight and generated light to enhance it's beauty. Creating stained glass panes and artwork takes a lot of work and skill. Because of this stained glass art is expensive, however there is a way to simulate the stained glass look that is much easier, less expensive, and more versatile.


  1. Draw or trace the design you want to have for your window.You can cover the entire window or just make a border.

    * Keep your designs simple to start out with. Small intricate patterns are difficult to do so that they can be seen once the design  is finished. If you want to simulate cut glass designs, draw your base design first, then draw in random connecting lines throughout your base design.

    *Make sure your design will touch all four sides, or separate any large amount of clear space with a leaded line.
  2. Place clear plastic blank over the design. This can be a purchased sheet or you can use any flat, clear, smooth plastic cover such as those from a disposable container if it is large enough to fit your design.
  3. Trace all the lines of the design with liquid leading. You should practice just making straight lines and circles first to get used to how the liquid flows. You need to be able to control the flow so your lines are even and not blotchy or wiggly.
  4. Allow outline dry for at least 2 hours before adding color for best results. Applying color while leading still wet can result in blurred outlines.
  5. Apply color around the interior of the outline first, making sure that the color touches the leading all the way around, then fill in the area inside. If you don't there will be holes in the design and it will be more difficult to peel off. For large areas, you may use a palette  knife or a small spatula to smooth the color.
  6. Allow design to dry for a minimum of 8 hours. The thicker the application, the longer the drying time. Test several areas before trying to peel off design.
  7. Peel the design off the plastic starting around the outside edges and working inward.
  8. Place design on a clean interior window surface. It will stick on the window and  it can be peeled off and repositioned.
    • If the design doesn't stick, make sure the window is clean and dampen the back of the design slightly with a moist (not wet!)paper towel.
    • If portions of the design fails to stick, press your hand against the area and leave for 5 minutes to warm the area and make it more pliable.
  9. Touch up any holes or tears carefully to avoid running and smearing, and if you wish, apply leading around the window edges.
  10. Finished.


  • You can purchase ready made leading in strips, if your design is made of straight lines and angles, or to use to outline the window.
  • Make your window look like antique leaded glass by filling in around your design with clear color and apply all of the colors thicker to simulate the wavy look of old glass. Remember, this will take longer to dry.
  • Other ideas for a temporary surface; stretch heavy duty cellophane wrap over a large bowl, with the design taped to the lip of the bowl, or use smooth plastic covered pages from a photo album.
  • Experiment with colors to make sure you will get the result you want. Look at them in the daylight and at night under artificial light. If on an exterior window, make sure you look at them from the outside.
  • If decorating a whole window is daunting, start out with a sun catcher or the glass in a picture frame.


  • Do not shake the bottles of color or you will end up with bubbles in your design. If you do get bubbles, lift up the plastic blank you are working on and tap the back of it gently.
  • The longer the design stays on a surface, the harder it is to get off without ruining it. After it cures it will be stiffer and more brittle.
  • Remember that your design will be reversed when seen from the outside, so create it with both the interior and exterior view in mind.
  • This article is not meant to detract in any way from the true artistry of authentic stained glass, rather, it is intended to give anyone the opportunity to create and afford such beauty.

Things You'll Need

  • A window
  • Piece of glass or Plexiglas if making something smaller1
  • Plastic blank or substitute surface1
  • Liquid leading (non toxic, simulated lead)1
  • Liquid translucent window colors of  your choice (non toxic, water based)1
  • Sketching materials or just a pencil and paper1
  • Palette knife1 or small spatula
    • 1Can be found at craft stores/departments

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