Make Yourself Feel Amazing

If you’re feeling down or are having a bad day, you can immediately do something to lift your mood and bring back your enthusiasm for life. It will require a bit of effort but it’ll be worth it. Take control of your life and some time for yourself. You can even take some action to make your life enjoyable in the long-run.


Feeling Amazing Now

  1. Stretch. Get off your bed and out of your seat and do some stretching exercises. Stretching immediately improves your circulation and relieves tension in muscles, giving you a sense of well-being.[1] Focus all of your attention on this, noticing the way the stretches feel in your body. Be careful to stretch slowly to prevent injury. Focus on each muscle group at a time. Take any injuries you have into consideration before stretching.
    • Neck and shoulder stretch: Hold your arms out so your body forms a T. Slowly, bend your elbows and bring your shoulders in and your neck down so that your neck and shoulder muscles contract. Hold for a count of three. Slowly, stretch your neck and arms out again. Hold for a count of three. These muscles may be particularly stiff as they are not actively used and can become very tense.[2]
    • Back stretch: Stand up straight, knees shoulder-length apart. Hold your arms out in front of you at shoulder-height, elbows bent so your palms are facing toward you. Slowly twist your torso to the left as far as you’re comfortable. Hold for five seconds. Gently rotate back to the front. Slowly twist your torso to the right, as far as you’re comfortable. Hold for five seconds.[3]
    • Arm stretch. Hold your arms out in front of you and interlace your fingers. Twist your wrists toward your body until your palms are facing away from you and push with your arms. Hold for five seconds. Relax your muscles and gently untwist your wrists.[4]
    • Leg stretch. Stand on your right leg, knee slightly bent. Using your left hand, pull your left foot towards your bottom, bending your knee. Keep your knees together and your back straight. Hold on to a chair for support if you can’t balance. Hold for five seconds. Gently release your foot and lower it to the floor. Repeat on the other side.[5]
    • Whole body stretch. Stand up straight. Inhale, lift your hands and reach for the ceiling, stretching as far as you can go. Exhale, slowly curve your spine down and reach for your toes. Don’t bend your knees.[6] Slowly uncurve your spine and stand.
  2. Prepare an amazing outfit. Pick an outfit that makes you feel on top of the world. Make sure it’s something comfortable but presentable and not shabby. Looking good boosts one’s inner confidence and self-esteem.[7] Think of a new outfit that you’ve yet to wear or one that holds good memories. Make sure your outfit is clean and pressed.
    • To feel extra fashionable, take the season into consideration. Pick colours that match the season. Fall colours are browns, earthy oranges and dark yellows. Winter colours are traditionally deep in tone . Spring colours are bright, greens and pinks with floral prints. Summer colours are light and pastel. Though fashion tends to change cuts, lengths and shades, these seem to stay a basic trend.[8]
  3. Take a long, hot shower or bath. Steam also improves your circulation and eases aches in the body.[9] Be sure to wash all over your body including your hair, in between your toes and belly button. If you aren’t sharing a bathroom and have the time, take a long hot bath instead of a shower. Try adding bubble bath products, bath oils or bath bombs. Mix and match to create your own spa-like experience - this will add an extra layer of enjoyment.[10]
    • Try not to stay in the water for longer than half an hour as your skin may get wrinkly.[11] If you share a bathroom, let other people know that you will be using it for a while.
    • Brush your teeth while you’re in the shower. You want to feel as fresh as possible.
    • Moisturize well after your shower as this will improve the elasticity of your skin and help you feel amazing.[12] Pick a moisturizer with a scent that you like.
  4. Get ready. Put on your prepared outfit and style your hair as you would like. You can let it naturally air dry or style it straight or with curls. Pick the style that makes you feel amazing. If you’re not sure how you would like to style it, try looking up different hair tutorials online for tips or asking a friend for suggestions.
    • If you’re using hot tools to style your hair, be sure to wear heat-protective gloves, use heat protective sprays and not to leave your tools unattended. Switch off, let it cool and stow away safely.
    • If you like, put on some makeup. Pick a style that you’re comfortable with and that goes with your outfit. Be aware of the time of day as some makeup looks are more suited to a day-time look and others are better suited for a night-time look.[13]
  5. Go outside. Plan an outing that you enjoy. See if your friends can join you or if there’s somewhere that you’d like to go alone. This outing can involve a light meal, sport, shopping or can just be for a get together. Getting together with friends you haven’t met for a long time can be especially fun. Try to go out with friends who you know create a light atmosphere or friends you enjoy having meaningful conversations with. Healthy humans tend to socialize to feel connected and to feel better.[14]
    • A change of scenery will automatically change your mood for the better. Being stuck in one environment for too long will bring down your mood.[15]
    • Getting some fresh air will also be good for your health. In this day and age, we tend to live in artificial and controlled environments for longer than we get fresh air.[16] Fresh air is great for your lungs, energy levels and health overall.[17]

Developing an Amazing Lifestyle

  1. Develop good eating habits. There is more and more research emerging that confirms that eating well improves your health, physically and psychologically.[18]It would be best if you could consult a nutritionist for the diet that would suit you personally. Good eating habits include making sure your diet is balanced, reducing sugary foods, controlling portion size and eating at proper times of the day.
    • A balanced diet includes some (non-dairy) sources of protein, plenty of fruits and vegetables, plenty starchy foods, some milk and dairy products and a small amount of fatty or sugary foods.[19] Of course, take any allergies or health conditions such as diabetes into account when balancing your diet.
    • You don’t have to cut all sugars out of your life. Try to look for naturally sweet foods and to avoid artificial sweeteners and refined sugars.[20]
    • Always have breakfast. Your meals should ideally become lighter as the day goes on: you need ‘fuel’ the most early in the day.[21] A breakfast meal that includes whole grains, some fat and proteins (e.g. whole grain bread with a half-fried egg) will help to keep your blood-sugar steady and to keep you fuller for longer throughout the day.[21]
  2. Develop an active lifestyle. Being active throughout the day and week will give you huge benefits physically and mentally. An active lifestyle not only improves your immunity and all the systems in your body but also releases hormones that improve your mood and keep you psychologically healthy.[22] Endorphins in particular help combat symptoms of stress and depression.[23][24] Try to get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in a day. Your heart rate should be up and it shouldn’t be so vigorous that you find it difficult to speak as you exercise.[25]
    • You don’t need to spend a lot of money to be physically fit. Joining a gym is not the only way to stay healthy though it’s certainly an option. Consider joining a sports team or asking a friend or family member to join you for a daily jog. Look up different videos or blogs of fitness experts you can follow.
    • Be sure to check the credentials of any ‘expert’ that you follow. Check for training, certifications and qualifications on their website. You don’t want to follow someone posing as an expert as you might end up injuring yourself.[26]
    • If you’re not used to being physically active, it will take you time to build up your stamina. Keep going!
  3. Fix your sleep cycle. A good sleep cycle takes into consideration not just how much you sleep, but also when you sleep. The most restful sleep occurs at night with a nap during the day.[27] Try to be in bed by 10.30pm and to nap for an hour or so during the day.[28] When you nap may vary depending on your schedule and commitments.
    • How much sleep you need will most likely vary depending on your level of activity, food intake and rest throughout the day. You might need more sleep during exam season as your mental activity will also be higher.[29]
  4. Declutter. Keep the your room tidy and clean. The amount of clutter in your room will have a negative effect on your overall mood over long periods of time.[30] Though some people feel more creative when they’re in a messy environment, try not to wake and sleep in such an environment.[31]
    • Develop a system for keeping your things organized. Make sure your clothes are neatly hung or folded away and your drawers are organized. Experiment with drawer dividers. You can make your own out of cardboard. This will help make your life efficient.[32]
    • Try to keep a schedule for keeping your room tidy e.g. right before going to bed or try to put things away as soon as you bring them into the room.

Sustaining a Sense of Amazement

  1. Be open to adventure. Schedule fun and relaxing activities. Having something to look forward to will keep you in a good mood.[33] Actively making time to relax will help you decompress and to manage your stress levels.[34] Consider experimenting and trying new things to keep your sense of wonder and to learn about the world. As you try new things, you’ll find more things that you know you’ll enjoy.
    • Try to incorporate short breathing exercises into your daily routine. Deep breathing improves the flow of oxygen to your brain, reduces stress and helps keep you focused and centered.[35] A simple one is
      • Place your hands on your stomach.
      • Close your eyes and inhale through your nose for a count of four. Feel your stomach inflate as you inhale.
      • Hold for a count of three.
      • Exhale through your mouth for a count of four. Feel your stomach deflate as you exhale.
      • Repeat five times.
  2. Live with purpose. Set long-term goals for yourself. Work toward a fulfilling career or on projects that you think will have a lasting, positive impact. Think about what your passions and skills are and research how you can put them to use. Reach out to people who are doing something similar to what you would like to do and ask them for advice on how you can achieve your goals. Living a purposeless life can create feelings of restlessness, guilt and depression.[36]
    • Sometimes circumstances happen in life that are beyond our control and we can’t achieve exactly what we wanted. That’s ok. Adjust your plans accordingly.
  3. Nurture good relationships. Keep your friends and family close. Build a strong relationship with them and treat them well. Speak to them kindly, offer non-judgemental support, help them through tough times and lean on them in turn when you need to. They are your support system throughout life.[37] People who have strong informal support systems perform better in life and have greater mental health.[38]
  4. Reflect on your life. Be sure to reflect daily on the highs and lows of the day. Everybody has ups and downs. Look at the positive things in your life and be grateful. Reflect on the lessons that you learn from the negative things that happen. Spend fifteen minutes before bedtime asking yourself, ‘What can I learn from today? What mistakes can I avoid in the future?’ Then ask yourself, ‘What good things happened today?’ Think of little and big things. Being grateful will help you feel good about your life and increase your happiness.[39]
    • If you like, write down the lessons you've learned on post-its or in a journal so that you can remind yourself of them later. Stick the post-its on your mirror or somewhere you'll see them regularly.
  5. Surround yourself with inspiring people. Think of people who have a positive take on life, are a good influence and encourage you to be the best version of yourself. Maintain good relations with them and interact with them regularly. The people you choose to hang around will influence your moods, ambitions and motivation.[40]
    • Don’t abandon your friends who are ‘down’ and going through a rough time. Again, everybody has ups and downs. Choose your friends wisely.
    • Think of the sort of people you follow on social media. This will also affect your mood.[41] If you find that following certain people makes you feel envious or negative about your life or wastes your time, consider unfollowing them.
  6. Stimulate your mind. Opening your mind to new ideas and concepts will keep your brain healthy and happy. Engaging in activities that stimulate your brain improves nerve connections, mental productivity and can lead to more happy thoughts.[42] Try reading new books, learning about something that interests you, learning a new language or honing a skill. There is always something out there to help you feel amazing.

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Sources and Citations

  21. 21.0 21.1

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