Make Yourself Poop

Constipation can cause discomfort, pain, and even a bowel obstruction if left untreated. If you haven’t been able to poop in a few days, then you might benefit from some strategies for your specific situation. The most beneficial treatments for constipation can vary based on how long you have been constipated, how often you experience constipation, and other factors, such as time, stress, and interruptions.


Taking Steps Based on Seriousness

  1. Mix up an Epsom salt solution. Epsom salts are approved by the FDA for use as a short-term laxative. If you have some Epsom salts at home, then you can mix 1 to 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts (check the package to be sure about how much you should use) into eight ounces of water and drink the solution. This should produce a bowel movement within 30 minutes to six hours.[1]
    • You can also take a bath with Epsom salts to help relieve your constipation. Fill a bathtub with warm water and add about one cup of Epsom salts to the water. Your body will absorb the magnesium in the Epsom salts through your skin.
  2. Use an osmotic laxative. Osmotic laxatives work by helping fluids move through the colon. However, keep in mind that long-term use of laxatives can lead to negative side-effects. They can cause an electrolyte imbalance, which may result in abnormal heart rhythms, confusion, and weakness and seizures. Long-term use may also lead to dependency and result in decreased bowel functionality.[2] Some of the examples of osmotic laxatives include:
    • Milk of magnesia.
    • Magnesium citrate.
    • Lactulose.
    • Polyethylene glycol.[3]
  3. Try a stimulant laxative. If your constipation is severe, then you may want to take a laxative to get fast relief. There are number of different laxatives that are available from your local pharmacy or drug store. Stimulant laxatives work by helping fluids move through the colon. Some of the examples of stimulant laxatives include:[4]
    • Dulcolax
    • Senokot
    • Purge
    • Correctol
  4. Administer-an-Enema. A sodium phosphate enema is one way to relieve occasional constipation. It requires you to insert the enema tip into your rectum and then squeeze the bottle until enough of the substance is in your rectum. You will then have to stay in position for up to five minutes. After that, you will feel a strong urge to go to the toilet.[5]
    • These enemas are available at most supermarkets and drugstores.
  5. Call your doctor. Severe constipation can lead to impaction and this can cause serious problems. If it has been three or more days since your last bowel movement and nothing seems to be helping, then call your doctor for advice. Your doctor may recommend an over-the-counter laxative, suggest visiting the office for an exam, and make other recommendations to help you have a bowel movement. Your doctor will generally only recommend such medications if over-the-counter laxatives have been ineffective.

  1. Drink a cup of warm tea or some warm lemon water. Warm liquids are a great way to get things moving in your digestive system and they can also help to keep you hydrated. If you are just starting to feel constipated, then start by drinking a cup of warm herbal tea, such as peppermint or chamomile, or a cup of warm water with about a teaspoon of lemon juice added to it.
    • Sip the warm fluids slowly and wait to see if this helps you have a bowel movement. You may feel the urge to go while you are drinking the warm fluid, or it may take a while.
  2. Eat some prunes or drink prune juice. Prunes are well known for their ability to produce bowel movements. If you have some prunes or prune juice around your house, then try eating or drinking some prunes to help you have a bowel movement.[6]
    • You don’t need to overdo it, just have a few prunes or one cup of prune juice.
  3. Go for a walk. Light exercise a great way to stimulate your digestive system as well. If you have been sedentary for a while, try getting up and taking a walk around your neighborhood to get your bowels moving.[7]
    • Even if constipation is making you feel uncomfortable, don’t sit or lie down. Get out and move around every day. Going for a daily walk or run can help ease constipation.[8]
  4. Try a baking soda solution. A mixture of baking soda and water may also help to relieve your constipation. Mix a teaspoon of baking soda with ¼ cup of water and drink the solution. This remedy can also help to relieve gas or an upset stomach along with your constipation.[6]
    • Keep in mind that baking soda is high in sodium so this remedy is not ideal for people following a low-sodium diet.
  5. Take a stool softener. Stool softeners are for oral use, and are a relatively gentle laxative. Stool softeners are good products to use at first if you have occasional constipation. A stool softener, such as Docusate, works by increasing the amount of water the stool absorbs. The stool then becomes softer and easier to pass.[9]
    • Follow the instructions on the package. Generally you will take a stool softener once a night before you go to bed.
    • This is a good option if you are just starting to feel constipated because it is gentle. Stool softeners can also take a little while to work, such as one to three days.[10]
    • Do not take it for more than a week unless advised to do so by your doctor.

Taking Steps Based on Frequency

  1. Start your day with a cup of warm lemon water. Drinking warm water with lemon juice can be especially helpful first thing in the morning. You can drink warm water with lemon juice any time during the day, but drinking it every morning before you have had anything to eat or drink is a great way to regulate your digestive system.[7]
    • To prepare the warm lemon water, add about one teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup (eight ounces) of warm water. Sip the water slowly.
    • Drinking warm water with lemon juice should soften your stools and help you have a bowel movement, but it may take a little while before it happens.
    • If constipation is a frequent problem for you, then try starting every day with a cup of warm water and lemon juice.
    • If you don't have any lemon juice around, then you can also drink a cup of tea, coffee, or just plain warm water to help get your bowels moving.
  2. Drink plenty of fluids. Dehydration can contribute to constipation, so make sure that you are drinking plenty of water and other fluids every day.[11]
    • Try to drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water every day.
    • You can also get fluids from drinking clear broths and from eating hydrating fruits, such as watermelon, grapes, and apples.
    • Don’t drink too much caffeine, or you can become dehydrated, making the problem worse.
  3. Get regular exercise. Regular exercise is essential for increasing the muscle activity in your digestive tract, so it is important to exercise if constipation is a common problem for you. Try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate cardiovascular activity on five days of every week.[12] For example, you can try walking, riding a bike, or using an elliptical exercise machine.
  4. Eat more fiber. Not getting enough fiber can cause constipation. Try to eat at least 18 to 30g of fiber each day. High-fiber foods include fresh fruit, vegetables and cereals.[13] Some good ways to increase your fiber intake include:
    • Eating a high-fiber breakfast cereal.
    • Choosing wholegrain or granary breads.
    • Adding pulses such as beans, lentils or chickpeas to stews and salads.
    • Having some fresh or dried fruit for dessert.[14]
  5. Add plenty of fruits and vegetables to your diet. Choose a fruit smoothie at breakfast, a salad at lunch and leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach or sweet potatoes at dinner. Or in the morning have warm water with lemon juice and carrots on the side.[15]
    • If you are often constipated, then try adding prunes as a regular snack in your diet. Prunes increase fiber in your diet and they often work to speed up digestion.
    • One clinical trial found that 70 percent of people find relief from constipation with prunes.[16]
  6. Take a fiber supplement. If you are struggling to get enough fiber into your daily diet, you could always opt for a fiber supplement. These supplements are available at your local drugstore and supermarket. They can be a good short-term measure, but try to incorporate fiber from fresh food into your diet in the longer-term.
  7. Listen to your body. You should always try to listen to your body and respond to it. That means don’t delay when you need to go, and don’t try to hold it in.[13] You may be constipated because you have been withholding when you need to go. In this case, feces can condense, making the stool harder to pass.[17]
    • People who are traveling or experiencing a change in routine can become constipated. Add in yogurt or prunes and try to stay near a toilet.
    • Ask for an aisle seat on a plane or stop frequently on a road trip.
  8. Get into the right position. Sometimes it can help to raise your knees above your hips to make it easier to poop. Try placing your feet on a low stool when you are using the toilet. This will elevate your knees above your hips, and potentially make passing stools easier.[13]
  9. Get an abdominal massage. If you have long-term constipation problems, an abdominal massage can help. The massage takes around 10 to 20 minutes, and can be done while you are standing, sitting or lying down. These massages can reduce the need for the regular use of laxatives, and can relieve flatulence. Abdominal massage is not recommended for everybody, so speak to your doctor first.
    • Pregnant women should not get a massage and neither should someone with a history of malignant bowel obstructions.[18]
  10. Make an appointment with your doctor. If you have tried all of these methods and you were still unable to go to the bathroom, you could have a bowel obstruction. If constipation persists for weeks you should get checked to rule out other more serious medical issues. You should see a doctor straightaway if you have symptoms such as cramping, spasms, dizziness or fatigue.[17]
    • You can ask your doctor about a biofeedback appointment. This is a special consultation in which you will learn how to relax and tighten muscles in your pelvic area.
    • If you are on any medications, discuss this with your doctor. There is a chance that medications could be causing your constipation.[13]

  1. Keep a diary to identify the cause of your constipation. If you occasionally suffer from constipation, then it might be helpful to take a look at your diet and lifestyle for a couple of weeks to identify a potential cause. Some of the risk factors for constipation include dehydration, inadequate fiber intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and certain medications, such as narcotic painkillers, sedatives, and high blood pressure medications.[19]
    • Try keeping a diary for two to four weeks of everything you eat, drink, and take (medications). Also, keep track of how much exercise you get each day, as well as other pertinent information like stress level and illness. Note also when you are constipated over the course of this two to four week period.
    • After tracking your diet and lifestyle for a few weeks, review the log to see what foods, drinks, medications, or other factors seem to contribute to constipation. Then, use this information to make lifestyle changes. For example, if your diary reveals that you become constipated when you eat a lot of dairy, then you may want to limit your dairy consumption.
    • If your log reveals a connection between a medication and constipation, then discuss this with your doctor. Do not stop taking any of your medications without talking to your doctor first.
  2. Aim to make small improvements to your diet. If you are not sure what is causing your constipation, you may consider making some small changes to see if this reduces your episodes of constipation. Some things you can try include:[20]
    • Drinking more water. Try filling a large water bottle every morning and aim to finish it by midday. Then, fill it again and aim to drink it by dinner time.
    • Adding more fiber from whole foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
    • Limiting junk foods, fast foods, and processed foods like cookies, chips, and crackers.
    • Taking a daily fiber supplement, such as psyllium husk, Metamucil, or FiberCon.
  3. Try to get a little more physical activity. Regular physical activity can help to reduce constipation by increasing the muscle activity in your colon. If you do not get regular exercise, or if you do not get the recommended 150 minutes of moderate physical activity per week, then try to increase your physical activity.[12] You can do this by:
    • Taking a daily 30 minute walk or a few 10 minute walks throughout the day.
    • Parking further away from entrances, such as at grocery stores, malls, and your place of work.
    • Getting up and walking around during commercial breaks when you are watching TV.

Dealing with Specific Issues

  1. Choose a time to poop each day. Using the bathroom at the same time each day can help to regulate your digestive system and make it easier to poop. Try to choose a time to use the toilet each day, such as right after breakfast, and see if this helps you to have regular bowel movements.[21]
    • Try to go in the morning if you can. Many people find it easier to poop after eating breakfast or having a morning cup of coffee.
  2. Go when you feel the urge. If you are pressed for time and struggle to go when you do have a moment to sit down on the toilet, then try to go only when you feel the urge. You may be able to have a bowel movement quite quickly if you feel like you have to go.
    • Don’t wait if you have the urge. Get to a toilet as quickly as you can to take advantage of feeling like you have to go.

  1. Use daily relaxation techniques. If you are feeling like stress is contributing to your constipation, then taking some time to relax each day may help. Try setting aside at least 15 minutes every day to use a relaxation technique, such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, or progressive muscle relaxation.
  2. Make your home bathroom a relaxing environment. Having an environment where you can relax can help you poop more easily. Keep your bathroom clean and inviting, such as by getting a nice rug to put at the base of your toilet or by hanging a decorative shower curtain.
    • To give your bathroom a pleasing scent, try lighting a scented candle when you use the bathroom, using an air freshener, or putting out some potpourri.

  1. Set boundaries about not wanting to be disturbed. Close the door and make sure your family knows it is not okay to enter if the door is shut. Don't let people pressure you or make a fuss of it.
    • Try saying something like, “I am going to be in the bathroom for about 30 minutes. While I am in there, please don’t interrupt me.”
    • If someone knocks while you are using the bathroom, then try saying something like, “I will be out in about 15 minutes. Please do not knock again.”

Sources and Citations

  6. 6.0 6.1
  7. 7.0 7.1
  12. 12.0 12.1
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3
  17. 17.0 17.1

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