Make a Blog Button for Blogger.Com

Blog Buttons (or badges) are becoming a very popular way to promote, track and link back to your blog. Here is a short tutorial on how to make your own blog button. These steps should be pretty easy to follow and they are only for those blogs who use blogger.


  1. Find a picture that you like. It can be either a photo you have saved on your computer or you can draw a picture using paint or any other drawing program you have.
  2. Upload the photo to an online photo gallery service, such as Photobucket. Resize the image to 125 x 125.
  3. Sign into Blogger.
  4. Go to your design tab and add an HTML gadget to the place you want your button to show.
  5. Add a catchy title, like “Grab my Button” (or whatever you like).
  6. Copy this HTML code:
    • <a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/" target="_blank" title="BLOG TITLE"><img alt="BLOG TITLE" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/></a> <center></center><center><textarea id="code-source" rows="3" cols="13" name="code-source"><center><a href="http://YOUR WEB ADDRESS/"><img border="0" src="http://IMAGE WEB ADDRESS"/></a></center></textarea></center>
  7. Paste the above HTML code into the HTML gadget.
  8. Replace YOUR WEB ADDRESS with your actual blogs web address.
  9. Replace BLOG TITLE with your blog's title, such as Tips For Saving.
  10. Replace IMAGE WEB ADDRESS with your new image HTML. Copy it and paste here.
  11. Save all of your work and test to make sure it works!

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