Make a Boutonniere

Ever wonder why those corsages and boutonnieres cost so much in the shop? Ever wish you could simply make your own and bypass the cost of paying someone else to assemble your flowers for you? Here are simple instructions for the basics of making your own!

Note: These instructions will yield a boutonniere. Making a corsage will require dressing several flowers for combination into a larger arrangement and is addressed in Make a Corsage.


  1. Collect your materials.
  2. Pinch off any malformed petals if necessary.
  3. Clip the stems to length.
  4. Wire the stem by poking a wire into the base of the flower. You may either leave the wire parallel to the stem or wind it around the stem to hold the flower face at the angle you want it later.
  5. Water the flower by adding a tiny bit of water soaked cotton to the base of the stem.
  6. Wrap the wired stem (with wet cotton at the bottom) firmly with florist tape.
  7. Add greenery or baby's breath onto the flower to "dress" it.
  8. Wrap the "dressing" securely onto the stem.
  9. Add a florist's pin at this point and you've completed a boutonniere!


  • Take appropriate caution with wire, wire nippers, etc. to avoid cuts.

Things You'll Need

  • Florist tape
  • Florist wire
  • Cotton wool (cotton balls or similar)
  • Flowers, greenery, etc
  • Wire clippers
  • Scissors
  • Ribbon, if desired

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