Make a Case Against Vegetarianism

Nothing against vegetarianism, but have you ever been criticized for eating meat? While vegetarianism has some logical arguments, many of these problems could be solved in an alternate way, and don't always take into consideration the global picture.


  1. Question its effectiveness: One popular Utilitarian argument is that even if I, a single individual, were to stop eating meat it would make a difference. This would not reduce the number of animals killed at all. The meat market is far too large for the meat producers to register a single person's consumption or lack thereof.
  2. Don't let emotional appeals sidetrack you. A vegetarian might ask 'Well, how would you feel if you were slaughtered and eaten?' The same could be said about plants because they too are living, breathing, organisms that have sensitivity as well. How you would feel may or may not be comparable to how a different life form feels. Similarly, using excessively graphic descriptions ('misleading vividness') to evoke a negative reaction is a fallacy.
  3. Consider less extreme measures. This is related to previous step. Consider: It's widely accepted that most Americans eat more meat than is healthful, but this does not mean the best option is to eat no meat at all. What if we just ate half as much? Or a third? Having too much of something doesn't mean you should have none; just that you should have less.
  4. Attack tenuous hypothetical arguments. Consider the point that the grain it takes to feed one cow can feed a hundred people. With all the starving people on the planet, it would make sense to have them eat grain and not meat. The problem with this statement is that those people aren't starving because there isn't enough food--they're starving because they don't have access to the food. When the vegetarian says 'We could feed all the starving people with the ', respond with 'but would we?' One recent study found that half of all food in America goes to waste. If we had twice as much, wouldn't we simply waste the increase too?
  5. Use the 'circle of life" argument. When you get down to it, most animals, including humans, are naturally suited for eating other animals. It is clearly possible to have a healthy diet without any meat.
  6. Point out their use of other animal products. Some vegetarians still use animal products in things like leather, gelatin, and some pharmaceutic capsules. Question their hypocrisy in using some animal products despite claims to the contrary.
  7. Be holistic. Argue that human beings are the dominant species on the Planet Earth and that all of the Earth’s resources are at our disposal for our responsible use and enjoyment. Consider where humanity would be if trees were never cut down for their wood to be utilized in everything from the construction of homes and water vessels to the manufacturing of bookshelves and paper. The responsible thing to do is to ensure that future generations are able to be afforded all of the advantages and luxuries that we currently have access to.
  8. Describe the biological case for eating meat. If we were made to eat only plants, wouldn't we have multiple stomach compartments, like cows? Our stomach's production of hydrochloric acid, something not found in herbivores. HCL activates protein-splitting enzymes. Further, the human pancreas manufactures a full range of digestive enzymes to handle a wide variety of foods, both animal and vegetable.


  • Do not make your opponent feel threatened or coerced, especially when in a group; make sure that they are quite permitted to choose their own diet. Also, the more you use a threatening tone, the more likely it is that your opponent will not listen to what you have to say, even if it is valid.
  • Do not ask a vegetarian where they get all their protein. Eggs, milk, cheese, yogurt, nuts, beans, legumes as well as many other vegetarian alternatives provide sources of protein.
  • Do not pick a side too hastily. There are well rooted arguments on both sides. Do research on both sides of the argument.
  • Do not fall into the trap of arguing fundamental beliefs if your opponent is evolutionist, and you are creationist. (IE: Creationist: God made us to eat meat and plants. Evolutionist: It was necessary for us to eat meat to survive at one time, but we are evolving into plant eaters now, we no longer need to eat meat.)