Make a Chalkboard Picture Frame

Repurpose an old picture frame by transforming it into a chalkboard that can be hung with pride in just about any room. Ideal for any sized frame, choose a frame that has character and meaning that will allow it to “live on” beyond the days it simple held a photograph.


Gather Your Supplies

  1. Select the picture frame. This is one of the most important steps; one that will determine how large or the design of your project.
    • Choose frame that is relatively undamaged. Look especially at the frame backing in addition to the surrounding frame. The backing will be transformed into the chalk board so if it’s been damaged or is worn out, consider replacing it. A local craft or frame store should have supplies that will allow you to replace the backing.
    • Select a frame that fits your space. While a large, dramatic frame may be what you desire, consider the space where you plan to display the frame before deciding upon a size.
  2. Pick up base coat and chalk board paint. The paint or hardware store should carry basic black chalk board paint that can be applied either by brush or in a spray paint can.
  3. Choose decorative paint that will be used to paint the actual frame area.
  4. Purchase a drop cloth, paint bucket and brushes if you don’t already have those items.

Create Your Chalk Board Frame

  1. Remove the frame’s glass. This should be relatively easy as all you will need to do is open the back of the frame and release the glass from the back.
  2. Clean and restore the frame. Before painting the frame, inspect it for areas where it might be damaged.
    • Use hot soapy water to gently scrub the frame. Use a soft, clean cloth to gently remove dirt, debris or dust from the frame. Wipe carefully inside any cracks or frame intricacies to ensure it’s fully cleaned before you paint.
    • Allow the frame to dry before painting. You don’t want any moisture on the frame before you paint so if you need to give it a day or two to dry allow the time to pass before applying your first coat of paint.
  3. Add one layer of white, base coat paint. Brush or spray a thin layer of white base coat over the frame and backing; covering the entire object. Allow the paint to dry and then apply a second coat.
  4. Spray or brush on the chalk board paint over the frame backing. You may need more than one coat to completely cover the framed area.
  5. Paint or decorate your frame. Paint the frame using colors and textures to match your interior area.
  6. Finished.


  • Decorate a special cup to hold chalk to match your frame.
  • Experiment with different texture paint around the frame for a shabby chic effect.

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