Make a Clay Face Mask

Also known as a mud mask, a clay mask is a detoxifying, nourishing, soothing and deep cleansing facial, often used in spas. There are also full body clay masks, or even mud baths available, but at home, it's easiest to treat yourself to a fortnightly clay mask facial.


  1. Take 2-3 tablespoons of bentonite clay, and put it in a small bowl.
  2. Pour in a splash of the water and mix it with the clay. Never use a metal bowl and never use a metal utensil to mix the clay. The metal destroys the effectiveness by removing the charged nature of the clay.
  3. Keep doing this until the clay becomes like a thick paste.
  4. Next, add in the coconut oil, or, if you prefer, add in a few drops of almond, olive or baby oil instead.
  5. Mix it all up.
  6. Now, your mask is ready. So apply the mud mask to the skin on your face using your fingertips or a clean foundation brush.
  7. Allow the mask to dry for about 20 minutes.
  8. Rinse it off thoroughly with warm water and a washcloth.
  9. Your skin should feel cleansed, detoxified, soft, and radiant with no impurities, dirt or dead skin cells left over.
  10. All this from some clay and a couple of ingredients found in the kitchen!


  • To avoid clumpy mixture of clay and water, add water and let it stand overnight so that clay absorbs water and ends up smooth.
  • Also, the minerals from the clay will get soaked up easier when the pores in your skin are open, so using this mask after a bath or shower would be good.
  • Even though mud or clay treatments might sound dirty, if the right kind of mud is used (clean mud, not the type in your back garden!), then it can work wonders on the skin!
  • As bentonite clay comes from volcanoes, it is natural and rich with minerals.
  • While the mask is drying on your skin, why not pop a couple of slices of cucumber over your eyes to refresh tired looking eyes, relieve dark circles, and make you feel really relaxed like a proper spa facial?
  • Use this mask every fortnight for a deep cleaning facial.
  • Like with any other mask, this face mask is best used on cleansed and toned skin.
  • So if you are paying for expensive clay treatments at spas, they're really just using expensive versions of kitty litter!
  • Clay and spa like mud is known for purifying the skin.
  • Can't find bentonite clay anywhere? Just use clean unscented kitty litter! Cat litter is actually made from bentonite clay!
  • Clay/mud facials at spas are usually very expensive, as our full body treatments, so this mask is a real treat, even though the ingredients in this are very cheap!


  • When applying, be careful to miss the eye area and lips.
  • Although you might find this mask amazing, it's best to only use once every two weeks as it so deep cleansing.
  • Make sure you don't leave the mask on for too long.
  • If you know you have an allergic reaction to any of the ingredients used in this mask, then don't prepare or use it.

Things You'll Need

  • Some bentonite clay (available from health food stores)
  • Clean water
  • A teaspoon of coconut oil

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