Make a Good Written Report

Your social studies teacher just assigned you a written report about the last chapter and you're probably thinking that it's gonna be a total hassle, when it doesn't have to be, working hard and staying focused is all you need, if your determined enough then it will be an easy A!


  1. Take a good look at your guidelines and make sure you understand, don't be afraid to ask your teacher questions about the report, she or he will be happy that your taking effort into your assignment.
  2. Now, reread the chapter or book, or whatever you must do a report on and take notes as you go along, the more details the better
  3. In your report include, where the different scenes take place, the main characters, the plot and a summary, make sure the whole report is divided into paragraphs, they keep the report looking clean and organized.
  4. Now type your report and then print it. Once you finish printing, if your report is over 4 pages, then take it to Staples or a similar place, and ask to get it bound. This will put it into a spiral book-like thing that make the report look nice, it only cost about 3 dollars, and you can keep that A in a book. If your report is under 4 pages then just staple it in the top left corner. Don't forget to have a nice clean title page, it needs to be as plain as possible, the title, author of the book (if it is a book), your first and last name and the class that you're making the report for.


  • If you do type your report, don't use silly fonts, use double space, a plain font and size 12-16 font size.
  • If you want to push it a little further, include a resource page including where you got your facts from, if you got it off the Internet then include the website name.
  • Try not to use markers and colored pencils on the title page, keep it plain using a regular font in black.


  • Make sure that your teacher doesn't have a required format for your report. If they do, and you don't use it, you can lose a grade point or more.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Printer that works (optional)
  • Staples (if you're stapling your papers together)
  • 3 dollars (if you're getting it bound)
  • Clear cover to go around the papers (if you're not getting it bound)

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