Make a Log Bicycle Stand

Repurpose those fallen trees into a rack for your bicycles using basic carpentry skills.


  1. Find a fallen tree and cut it to an appropriate size.
  2. Measure the width of your bicycle wheels. Transfer those measurements to the log.
  3. Saw two vertical lines on the marks you made.
  4. Chisel horizontal lines parallel to each other.
  5. Hammer the chisel deep into the log.
  6. Remove the chunk of wood from the log.
  7. Smooth the log by chiseling away the excess wood and using sandpaper.
  8. Park your bike, you now have a bicycle stand made from wood.


  • This type of stand may damage or bend the wheel if the bicycle happens to fall over.

Things You'll Need

  • Log
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Saw

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