Make a Lot of Money in Club Penguin

Have you ever wanted a lot of money in Club Penguin without hacking or cheating? Well, all you have to do is put in the time and to play a lot of games as much as you can. Some great games for making money include Pizza-tron 3000, Dance Contest, Bean Counters, and so much more. See Step 1 below to get started.


  1. Log into your penguin account on or create a new one.
  2. Open up your map on the bottom left corner. Click to go into the mineshaft.
  3. Play lots of games. You can get a lot of coins from playing just a few really easy games -- surfing, cart surfer and aqua grabber make a lot of money fast
  4. Try these good money making games:
    • Pizzatron 3000;
    • Cart Surfer (TIP: Hold down up arrow button until reaching a corner repeat );or (press space and right key after)
    • Dance Contest;
    • Bean Counters;
    • Make candy pizza: Click the red lever to earn more money!
    • Nightclub: play DJ3K sit there at the DJ table and earn coins based on how long you are there!
  5. Or, you can play Puffle Round-Up for a Bunch of times, that's a really good way to get tons of coins.
  6. Change something within each 10 minutes or you will be kicked off the server for being inactive.


  • Do this fairly fast, not too fast or you will do too many mistakes.


  • Don't hack or use a Moneymaker. You could be banned.
  • Don't buy things all the time. It will waste your coins.

Things You'll Need

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