Make a Marceline Axe Bass from Adventure Time

Marceline is a character in the TV show Adventure Time. Throughout the series she has many bass guitars. The most common one is her Axe Bass. Make one for a costume or just for fun with these simple steps.


  1. Purchase a large piece of insulation foam from your local hardware store like Lowe's or Home Depot. Foam comes in either blue or pink. Pick the thickest one. You may also have to cut the foam yourself, or ask a sales associate for help.
  2. Go online and find a picture of Marceline's Axe guitar, then print it out. This will be your reference.
  3. Using a pencil or fine tip pen, separately draw out the axe shape and neck shape on Bristol board. Cut these out and use them as templates.
  4. Transfer your templates onto your foam. Make two bodies and one neck. Using an Exactor Knife, cut out all three pieces. Smooth edges down with sandpaper.
  5. Take Spray Adhesive or Gorilla Glue and stick the two axe shapes together.
  6. Once dried, glue the neck to middle of the of the body let it dry.
  7. Gather acrylic paints in the color: Red or Mahogany, Silver and Black.
  8. Paint according to your reference picture.
  9. Decorate by painting thin black lines for the strings and hot glue some push pins to the neck for tuning keys and Bottle caps for buttons at the bottom of the bass.
  10. Spray with varnish or top coat to preserve the Axe Bass for years to come.


  • Place some cardboard under your foam to avoid scratching surfaces while cutting the foam.
  • If you choose to use Gorilla Glue, use gloves.
  • If you choose to use varnish, prime your Axe Bass before painting, as this will prevent the foam from melting due to a chemical reaction from the varnish and foam.
  • To attach Push Pin tuning keys, apply glue to pointy part and push into the neck.
  • Take your time and be patience while cutting foam.
  • Purchase the thickest and firmest piece of foam for durability.


  • Use Spray Adhesive in well ventilated areas.
  • Watch your fingers while using an Exactor Knife.
  • Hot glue can burn you.

Things You'll Need

  • Insulation foam
  • Bristol board or poster board
  • Gorilla Glue or Spray Adhesive
  • Extractor Knife
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Paint Brushes
  • Push Pins and bottle caps
  • Hot glue Gun
  • Rubber Gloves (Optional)

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