Make a Plant Hanger from a Sock

It's fun and easy to make a plant hanger from a sock. Here's how.


  1. Find an old sock or use new fun socks.
  2. Paint the outside with oil based paint to make it waterproof, bright colors are best
  3. Fill the inside with quality topsoil from your local nursery. The better quality the better it will work because your plants will thrive
  4. Purchase good quality flowering plants with good strong roots from your local nursery. The plants should be small and hardy. Bring the sock with you to the nursery and explain what you are trying to do.
  5. Carefully punch a hole in the center of the soil and place the plant in. Cover the roots and pour 2 ounces of water into the soil.
  6. Attach a tack or nail in your garden or on your fence and hang the sock in a sunny area of your garden. The plants will need to get enough sun to thrive and grow.
  7. Invite your friends over and show off your beautiful plant hangers
  8. Finished.


  • If you have a longer sock that you want to recycle because of a pretty colour or pattern, you can cut it to make it a shorter length to make it a better length for a plant.
  • Shorter socks work best


  • Be sure to use enough paint to make the plant hanger waterproof from leaks.

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