Make a Play Doh Ganesh

Ganesh is an Indian god. He has the body of a man & the face of an elephant. One of his tusks was broken when he was writing out a long poem for a sage. His idols are really difficult to make. Play doh is the easiest way!


  1. Choose your bright colored play dough (or play doh)
  2. Make balls of different colors & sizes.
  3. Make his seat first by flattening a ball of play doh
  4. Then, choose bright play dough to make his legs. Make them so that they are in a comfortable seated posture.
  5. Make a round-sided cuboid for his body. Use a parrot green or neon yellow color.
  6. Make his arms. Make them in a relaxed way.
  7. Shape the play- doh to look like an elephant head.
  8. Adjust the ears so they look like floppy elephant ears.
  9. Take a cocktail umbrella for his parasol.
  10. Finished.


    1. Make beautiful garlands for him using small flowers & string.