Make a Pretend Credit Card

A pretend credit card can have many uses, such as a prop for a play or an item for playing shops with young children. It's easy to make one in such a way that it will look realistic for such purposes.


  1. Search for images of a credit card. The best image is one with a blank card with no name or numbers. If you can't find that, you will need to use software to remove those elements from the card image.
  2. Save the image to your computer.
  3. Open the image in a basic image editing program, such as Microsoft Paint.
  4. Add your (or your character's) full name and a number, using the editor's Text-Typing feature. You should include your middle initial, if applicable, and a random 16-digit number.
  5. Print out the image.
  6. Cut it out.
  7. Draw a black magnetic strip and a signature panel on the other side of the paper.
  8. Draw your signature on the signature panel too.
  9. Finished.


  • You may need to resize your image, as needed. If you are using Microsoft Paint, this can be done by hitting CTRL + W, and entering a lower percentile in the top panel. Remember to make both percentages equal, or your image will stretch out awkwardly.
  • American Express cards always begin with 3. Visa cards always begin with 4. Mastercards always begin with 5. Discover cards always begin with 6. Be careful, do not make a copy of anyone's real credit card! It could cause a lot of trouble.
  • You can search the Internet for an image of the back of a credit card as well, if you don't want to draw the magnetic strip and signature panel.
  • Many letters for credit card offers include a thin plastic "card" in the envelope. You can use this as a backing to strengthen your card.
  • Remember that credit card numbers will normally have 16 digits [as in 4200 0000 0000 0000], except for American Express cards, which only have 15 [as in 3723 000000 00000].
  • Laminate your credit card, for extended life.


  • Do not attempt to use a homemade credit card at any stores to make a transaction. It is a criminal offense to try to obtain purchases fraudulently, and such an act can have very serious consequences.

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