Make a Psi Shield
A psi shield is based on a psi ball, but is created for the specific purpose of protection. Read on to learn how to make one.
- Meditate. Before you can make a psi shield you need to be relaxed and be able to fully concentrate.
- Rub your hands together to gather energy. After a while you will feel a tingly, perhaps warm feeling.
- Make a psi ball.
- Form the psi shield. Using the psi ball, form it into a shield. Imagine the psi ball getting bigger and bigger until it completely surrounds you. Visualize the shield turning white, the color for protection
- To grow the ball, feed energy into it. This can take some time, but worth it. As you form it, tell the shield what you want it to do. For example, you could have it filter out incoming emotions, so it stops some negativity reaching you; but you have to keep programming the energy as you build it to do as you want. A good template for a shield is one that regenerates by feeding on ambient energy (as well as your personal energy if need be), filters out incoming negativity, and alerts you to incoming psychic attacks in some way (like a gentle throbbing in your left knee). The shield doesn't have to be white, either; it can be any colour at all. .
- Check that your shield is complete and whole by feeling for, and correcting, any weak spots or edges which are usually around your feet.
- Some people choose to make their shield into other forms. You may want a mirror in front of you, or a cube surrounding you.
- People who are making a shield for the first time may feel drained by the time it is complete, as it takes lots of energy to make a shield. If you pull energy from the earth or the universe, you will not have this problem however.