Make a Sensory Weighted Toy

Sensory weighted toys are great choices for people with sensory processing disorder. They're great for hugging, providing deep pressure, or finding a unique sensory experience when touching the toy. They're also surprisingly easy to make! If you want a weighted toy for you or someone you know, the steps to make them are quick and fairly simple, and you'll have your toy done in no time.


  1. Gather your materials. In order to make a sensory weighted toy, you will need:
    • A stuffed toy (such as a stuffed animal), preferably around 12 inches
    • Some small, heavy items, such as small rubber balls
    • Sharp sewing scissors or a seam tearer
    • Sewing needle and thread
  2. Cut open a small hole in the back of the toy. Make sure that the hole is big enough to put your small objects through.
  3. Remove some of the toy's stuffing by pulling it out of the hole.
  4. Add in your chosen item.
  5. Put the stuffing back in, if you want to and there's room for it. If there isn't room, don't panic - it's only a suggestion, not a necessity.
  6. Sew the stuffed toy to close up the hole.
  7. Use the sensory toy. Squish the toy to feel the items inside moving about, and lie down with the toy resting on you to feel the weighted effect!


  • When you add in the rest of the stuffing, you may leave a bit out so that you can easily move the items around inside.


  • If you have poor motor skills, you may want to ask someone to help you out so that you don't accidentally hurt yourself.

Things You'll Need

  • Stuffed animal
  • Rubber balls or another heavy item
  • Sewing scissors or seam tearer
  • Sewing needle and thread

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