Make a Snow Cat

Impress your friends and neighbors with a feline version of the snowman; build a snow cat instead. The building principles are similar; you'll just need to apply your creativity to forming a feline on the snow.


  1. Gather the snow. As with a snowman, ensure that your snow is not too slushy or icy.
  2. Build the base of the cat first. Make a large round ball of snow, in the same manner that you would use to build the base of a normal-sized snowman. Build this with a slight angle forwards; while this will form the base of the snow cat, it is also going to serve as the snow cat's back legs, tummy and rump. Make sure that you leave a place on this ball for the next ball to be added on. Let this sit for about 2 hours to solidify.
  3. Carve the snow cat's back legs. The aim is to create little curved upper leg shapes that look like a cat that is sitting down on its rump (see photo next to this step). If it proves too hard to carve these, just build them up from the ground using extra snow. Lean this snow against the base, making sure to mold them into a cat's folded leg shape. Artistic license is encouraged - any shape vaguely like a leg is great.
  4. Create the middle of the snow cat. Add a slightly smaller ball to the tummy area of the cat. Try to get it to lean slightly forwards (think of a cat sitting and how its body shape curves forwards). Smooth the joints over with additional snow. This is the middle "chest" section of the cat. While this chest area should be able to sit on the base without support, the addition of the front legs will provide extra support to this ball, so it helps to have the leg sticks propping up this middle ball if you find the ball not staying on its own.
  5. Create the snow cat's front legs. Take two equal length sticks and place these so that they angle into the second ball to form the snow cat's front legs. Pile snow around these sticks, from the base up to the "chest" of the cat which is the second ball of snow. Continue adding snow until the legs are solid and in proportion with the rest of your snow cat's body. Smooth the joints over with additional snow.
  6. Add paws to both sets of legs. Make little "patties" of snow and stick them at the base of each leg. Use twig strands to make claws; three even-sized twigs for each paw, laid flat at even intervals on the paw will provide an effect of claws. Experiment with curved twigs if you fancy.
  7. Make the snow cat's head. Prepare a smaller ball for the head, in the same manner as you would make a snowman's head. Add to the middle ball and smooth the joins over with additional snow. Shape two little pointy ears out of snow. Try to mold out a little pointy area for the cat's mouth and nose region. Don't worry if this is too difficult, the decorations will ensure the face looks like a cat.
  8. Make the cat's face.
    • Whiskers and mouth: Use fine twigs for the whiskers and the mouth. For some added humor, try adding a little cat's tongue made out of bright red felt poking out of the cat's mouth.
    • Nose: For the nose, there are many possibilities, including a round nose made from snow; a big black button; a piece of coal; a small pine cone; or anything else you desire.
    • Eyes: Use buttons; small pine cones; or try the suggestion in "Tips" below. If you make a cat with olives for eyes the squirrels might just be desperate enough to pluck them out...
  9. Create the tail. Poke a stick into the back of the snow cat's base, making it point upwards. As with the legs, coat this stick in snow, working from the base upwards. If the snow falls off, let it solidify stage by stage. If you prefer, you could start the tail once the base of the cat is made and add bits of snow to it here and there as you make the rest of the snow cat. Tie a decorative ribbon about the tip of the tail if you wish. Or try for a kink in the tail - look for an unusually shaped twig and experiment.
  10. Add color to your snow cat: Put COLD water (you don't want your snow cat to melt!) and food coloring (diluted poster paint works, also) into a spray bottle. Have several bottles of different colors on hand.
  11. Stand back and admire your cat. Add a scarf if you want kitty to keep warm. Take a photo.


  • Be sure to wear warm, waterproof gloves or mittens. And a snug hat and scarf. This is cold work!
  • Why not try making some little kittens to surround their mother?
  • You can carve the cat's lower legs with a strong stick, a shovel or even a butter knife if you need more accuracy.
  • If you find carrying out these instructions a little too difficult, go ahead and make a normal snowman shape and just make the head catlike - mold the ears, and put on whiskers, eyes and button nose so that it still has cat features. You could substitute a dollar store cat collar for the scarf to keep in theme. Add extra elastic to make the collar fit; or just break the elastic part of the collar and add twine or yarn and tie it around the snow cat's thick neck. Have the decorated edge of the collar facing the front for best effect.
  • If you want your cat to last longer, you could bundle it up; just as a coat keeps a human warm by trapping body heat, it keeps snow creatures cold by trapping the cold.
  • Great eyes can be made out of styrofoam meat trays. Cut out cat's eye shapes and attach these into the snow cat with small screws (use a screwdriver to drive them into the hardened snow). They'll stay there until the snow melts and the squirrels won't be the slightest bit interested!
  • Don't confuse a snow cat with a snow cat; the latter is a snow vehicle. Probably not what you want in your yard for display.


  • Be careful, snow cats have a tendency to multiply through copycats.
  • Keep warm! Take regular hot chocolate breaks during the building of your snow cat.

Things You'll Need

  • Enough snow for 3 balls to create the cat shape; and extra snow for its tail, paws & front legs
  • Two equal-sized sticks for the front legs
  • Stick for tail; ribbon for tail (optional)
  • Twigs for the whiskers & mouth
  • Eye and nose material (see above for ideas)
  • Scarf for cat (optional)
  • A helper or two; this is hard work!
  • Waterproof & warm gear; good waterproof gloves or mittens.
  • Warm hat
  • Hot chocolate
  • Camera

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