Make a Stop Motion Movie

Have you ever seen those cool videos where there are toys such as Lego's moving around with no humans touching them? These are called stop motion movies. They are just picture being shown quickly and tricking the eye.


  1. Gather all of your materials. You will need a basic digital camera with lots of memory, a computer, a way to connect your camera to your computer, props, characters, and a plot.
  2. Understand what you are going to do in your movie. Will you make a fight, car chase, or love story? Any type of movie you want can be made.
  3. Set up your props, character stances, and the rest of your set.
  4. Start snapping photos! Take your first picture, then move the characters or props slightly, and take another picture. Moving them less than an inch per shot is recommended.
  5. Import your pictures into Windows Movie Maker. Most people have this program, and if you don't, you can download it for free with a simple Google search.
  6. Shorten the length of your picture viewing by going to Tools Options Advanced options, then change between 500-875 milliseconds.
  7. Add titles and credits to your movie. To do this, simply visit the Tools menu, visible at the top of the page.
  8. Share your movie with others! Post it on YouTube, Type pad, your website, or blog! People will like it!


  • Be sure to charge your camera's battery before using it. If your battery dies while you're shooting, your environment may change before the battery finishes re-charging and will ruin your movie. (E.G. During your first session, it might be mid-day and sunlight might be streaming in through your windows, but after your battery dies and you finish charging it, it the day may have transitioned to the afternoon, so taking more shots at this point would result in mixed lighting in your final movie.)
  • Use a higher ISO setting on your camera to reduce blurriness in dark areas. This may slightly degrade picture quality.
  • You may want to use a memory card with a high amount of storage to create a stop motion movie.
  • To make each picture faster, press Tools then press Options and set the Picture Duration to 0.125. Then press Show Timeline and press Page Down to zoom in.
  • Make sure you have suitable lighting! Taking photos in low lighting may degrade picture quality and result in motion blur if the camera is not completely still. Also, the lighting should be appropriate for your movie's settings. Don't photograph scenes that are supposed to be bright in dark lighting, and vice versa.
  • Google tricks and hints for stop motion movies. You can do so many things with LEGO movies.


  • Try not to offend other culture or religions with this!

Things You'll Need

  • Digital Camera
  • Props and characters (LEGOs, toys, clay, etc.)
  • Computer
  • Windows Movie Maker

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