Make a Thong Without Anyone Knowing

Maybe your parents are ok with you wearing a thong maybe not. Maybe you are just scared to buy them in the store no matter what here is how you can make them without anyone knowing


  1. Start on a day when you have a lot of time and no one will be bothering you.
  2. Clear a space large enough to work like a dresser top or table.
  3. Look through your underwear drawer and pick out underwear you want to make into thongs
  4. Take the underwear, pull it over your clothes use a sharpie, and draw where you want to cut to make a thong.
  5. Take the scissors and cut along the lines you drew.


  • Hide the thong in a safe place and wash them by hand.
  • Use cotton underwear if possible to prevent rashes.
  • Try sewing up the ends that you cut to prevent fraying.
  • Sometimes, using an additional elastic for the string can work really well. Just use the strap to an old bra for the string. Works like a charm!


  • If your parents find it, they might think that you're seeing someone (and not in the innocent way). Be prepared with a plausible explanation, such as someone dared you to do it. Make sure to have a friend to back up your explanation.
  • Do not wear your thong frequently.

Things You'll Need

  • Underwear
  • Scissors
  • A clear place
  • Optional - needle and thread

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