Make a Toga out of a Bedsheet
A toga is essential wear for anyone regularly attending college Join a Fraternity or sorority parties in the US, and it's fun for all people when an occasion like Halloween or a fancy dress party arises. While a bed sheet is not the ideal fabric for fashioning a toga, it's a versatile source you can use, since being caught off guard is no reason to be sans-toga.
Basic Toga
- Grab the corner of the bed sheet in one hand. Leave about 6-8" (15 - 20 cm) of the sheet in one hand to tie the knot with. Hold the bed sheet above either shoulder with the corresponding hand (left hand to left shoulder, right hand to right shoulder, etc.).
- Drape the sheet snug across your chest. Then tuck it under the opposite arm.
- Shorten the toga if necessary. If the toga is too long, fold one edge over by about six inches (15 cm), and try again. Keep adjusting until you get the right length, which is around the knee area.
- Wrap the toga around your back. Tuck the sheet under the arm you're holding it with, then once more around the front of your chest, under the opposite arm, and across your back.
- Tie the toga. Bring the second corner of the sheet up over your back to the corner in your hand. Secure the two ends with a Make a Brooch, pin, or simple knot.
- Secure the layers tightly. Use a couple of safety pins inside the toga if necessary.
- Head to the party to show off that nice toga!
Sari-Style Toga
- Hold the corner of the sheet hip level at your left side. It should be covering the front of your body, and not the back.
- Wrap the fabric around your back to form a skirt. Wrap until it overlaps the first corner by a few inches.
- Pin it in place. It should fit securely, forming a waist band.
- Throw the remainder of the sheet over your right shoulder.
Women’s Greek Chiton
- Decide the length of your toga. It is recommended to use a twin sheet, though a full sheet can work (especially if you are taller). Fold the sheet lengthwise until it is the desired length of the final dress. For a short toga, fold the sheet in half. For a longer toga, fold down only the top 6” to 1’.
- Fold the sheet in half again. This should be done such that one half covers the back of your body and the other half covers the front. The folded down section should be at the top and outside of the rest of the material.
- Pin the shoulders. Use a single pin for each shoulder or a number of pins. Pin the front section of sheet to the back section of sheet where your clavicle meets with your shoulder. You can buy fancy pins for the occasion or you can use 2” or similar round button (like political buttons).
- Place your arm through the hole. A hole should have been formed by the pinning on the side where the front of the sheet meets the back. Place your arm through this hole.
- Tie the waist. Use string, a ribbon, or a tight fitting belt to tie the waist. You will probably need to overlap the open sides a bit before you secure the waist, to ensure that your skin is not exposed.
- Enjoy your toga! Have fun telling people that this is a historically accurate Greek dress...if you’re into that kind of thing.
- Use a white twin sheet if possible. This gives the cleanest and most toga-like effect.
- If you are going out in public, be sure to pin it. You don't want it falling off!
- If you are left handed, you might want to wrap the edge of the bed sheet on your right shoulder because it might look better for you.
- Girls didn't usually wear togas back in the Greek/Roman time, but in this case you can. After all, it's fancy dress and anachronisms don't matter.
- A patterned sheet can add flair, especially when you're trying to be fancier than other fancy dress folk.
- Men need less coverage and the toga should only be about knee length or slightly longer. You can wrap yours in the same way but a little looser – no need for safety pins!
- Make sure that you are not tripping on it.
- Be sure to wash the sheet before using. You don't want to go around smelling.
- Be careful, you may not trust the toga for covering parts that want to be covered (it may fall off).
Things You'll Need
- Sheet (twin sheet is recommended)
- Safety pins (optional)