Make a Work Accident Injury Claim

Do you know that there is a significant amount of accidents at work happening in the UK? If you’ve been involved in any kind of accident at work which is not your doing then you are entitled to make a work accident injury claim. You need this in order to compensate for all the troubles you’ve been through because of the accident including financial burdens due to hospitalization and the pain and sufferings incurred to you. Here are the steps you should make in order to become successful in your work accident injury claim.


  1. Notify your employer about the accident. You need to inform your employer about the accident at work you’ve been involved with. Normally, you need to notify them within 3 days after the accident took place. Give them details about the extent of your injuries as well. Also provide them data concerning the accident including the time and place of accident, the cause of the accident, and the individuals who have witness the accident.
  2. Make a claim immediately. It is important that you know that there is a general rule concerning filing a claim to your organization based on the span of time. Usually, you need to file a claim in 7 days after the accident happened. In the event that you are in no condition in filing a claim within the time limitation because of the seriousness of your injuries then it’s advisable that you talk to your employer regarding this concern and ask them about the deadline for the work accident injury claim.
  3. Remember that you are entitled to make a claim. It is your right to make a claim against your employer even though they deny responsibility. It is their obligation to make you safe in their working place. If in case they denied responsibility then you can employ the help of accident at work claims specialist to handle the claim for you.
  4. Your employer is also obliged to report the accident to the Health and Safety Executive agency especially if the accident is grave in nature.


  • When you employ the aid of a solicitor to handle your work accident claim then you must remember that there is a statute of limitations regarding this type of claim. You must claim within 3 years after the accident took place in order for your claim to be eligible.
  • You can always employ the services of a no win no fee accident at work specialist to pursue your claim but be aware that in case you lose the claim you are still obliged to pay the services of the solicitor of the other side even though you are not obliged to pay your solicitor. Loser always pays in the UK. Your solicitor is responsible to advise your concerning this particular law. They must be rational enough to ask you to obtain an insurance policy that will cover the cost of the other side when you don’t win the claim case.
  • Hiring an accident at work claims specialist should not be taken for granted. You need someone who has in-depth understanding with regards to accident at work claims. So make sure to hire the best solicitor in town to handle your case.
  • Ask a legal advice from a competent and reliable solicitor.


  • This article is written with the UK citizens in mind. So if you are a citizen of another country like the US then this article is definitely not for you. This is solely based on the current accident claims law in the UK.
  • This articles in not intended as a substitute for a solicitor’s legal advice. This stands as a guideline for those who want to make a claim for work accident injuries.

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