Make an All Natural Facial at Home

Giving yourself a facial will leave your skin feeling fresh, renewed and beautiful. Using basic household ingredients, you can create a facial scrub and mask tailored to your skin type. After one at-home facial session, you'll never want to pay for one at a salon again.


Prepping Your Face

  1. Pull back you hair and wear a comfortable t-shirt. You're going to be making and using a scrub, a steam, and a mask. It's best to make sure your hair is out of your face so it doesn't get in your way. Put on a comfy t-shirt that you don't mind splattering with different facial products.
  2. Use a gentle cleanser to wash your face. A good facial starts with a fresh, clean face, so use your favorite cleanser to gently wash away makeup, dirt and sweat before you begin. Wet your face with warm water, apply the cleanser using a gentle circular motion, and rinse your face with warm water when you're finished.
    • Use warm or cool water, rather than hot or cold. Room temperature water is best for your facial skin.
    • If you want to create your own luxurious cleanser, try using oil. Rub olive oil, almond oil or jojoba oil into your skin, then wipe it off with a towel dampened with warm water. This makes a great makeup remover and leaves your skin soft and moist.
  3. Exfoliate with a homemade scrub. The hallmark of a great facial is bright, refreshed looking skin. Exfoliating is a very important part of the process. Apply your scrub using a gentle circular motion to slough away the dead skin and reveal fresh skin underneath. You can make your own scrub at home using all natural products you probably already have in your kitchen. Try one of these combinations:[1]
    • For oily skin: mix 1 teaspoon sugar, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon water
    • For normal skin: 1 teaspoon ground oatmeal, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon milk
    • For dry skin: mix 1 teaspoon ground almonds, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon olive oil
  4. Rinse your face. Use lukewarm water to rinse off the scrub. Make sure to rinse carefully around your eyes and nose so you don't leave any of the scrub on your face. When you're finished, pat your face dry with a soft towel.
  5. Do a facial massage. Massaging your face increases circulation in your facial tissue, causing your skin to feel and look refreshed. In addition to making your skin look beautiful, it helps combat puffiness and wrinkles and relieves stress. Do a facial massage using this technique:
    • Massage your cheeks with your fingertips using a wide circular motion. Move your fingers up to your nostrils, over your cheekbones and back around. Repeat for one minute.
    • Massage your forehead, starting with the temples and moving in toward the center. Repeat for one minute.
    • Massage your eye area, starting at the arch of your brow, moving down past the outer corner of your eyes, sweeping under your eyes toward your nose, and back up to your brows. Repeat for one minute.

Doing a Steam and Mask Treatment

  1. Steam your face. This opens your pores to allow impurities to come out. It will leave your face with a flushed, healthy feeling, making it an essential step in any facial. Place a small pot of water on the stove and bring it to a simmer. Drape a towel over your head and place your face over the pot, so that the steam hits your face. Keep steaming for face for three to five minutes, then turn off the heat.
    • To make an herbal steam, add five drops of lavender essential oil or peppermint extract.
    • You can also use herbal teabags; try chamomile or mint.
  2. Make a facial mask. A facial mask draws impurities from your pores and brings out the very best in your skin. There are many store-bought masks to choose from, a homemade mask will be just as effective, if not more. Plus, you can tailor it to the needs of your skin type. Try one of the following nourishing facial masks:
    • For any type of skin: use plain honey; it has both moisturizing and antibacterial properties great for any skin.[2]
    • For oily skin: mix 1 teaspoon cosmetic clay and 1 tablespoon honey
    • For normal skin: mix 1 tablespoon yogurt and 1 tablespoon honey
    • For dry skin: mix 1/2 mashed banana and 1 tablespoon honey
  3. Apply the facial mask for 20 minutes. Smooth it over your skin and let it sit for a good 20 minutes so it has time to nourish your skin. In the meantime, do one of the following treatments to make the most of your facial:
    • Reduce eye puffiness by closing your eyes and placing cucumber slices over them for five minutes.
    • Deal with chapped lips by using a toothbrush to scrub away dead skin. Apply lip balm when you're finished.
    • Moisturize your neck, from your chest all the way up to your chin. Your neck skin is as delicate as your facial skin, and shouldn't be neglected.
  4. Rinse away the mask with warm water. Gently splash warm water on your face to wash it away, making sure to get every last bit of honey. Any bits of honey left behind will make your face feel sticky. Pat your face dry with a towel. Take a look in the mirror. Is your face glowing by now?

Toning and Moisturizing Your Skin

  1. Apply a homemade toner. After opening your pores with the steam and mask treatment, it's time to use some toner. Toning your skin closes your pores, which helps your skin look bright and youthful. Just splash some on your face and let it soak in; wipe away the excess with a towel. You can make your own toner using any of the following:
    • Plain cool water
    • 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar mixed with 1 teaspoon cool water[3]
    • Witch hazel
    • Rosewater
  2. Moisturize your face. Use your favorite store-bought moisturizer or make your own to finish up your facial. Moisturizer will keep your skin from drying out, making the effects of your facial last as long as possible. You can use any of the following as a moisturizer:
    • For oily skin: jojoba oil or aloe
    • For normal skin: olive oil or almond oil
    • For dry skin: coconut oil or argan oil
  3. Wait several hours before applying makeup. All that scrubbing, steaming and soaking can make your delicate facial skin feel sensitive. It's best to wait a few hours before you apply makeup. Most makeup contains chemicals that can irritate the skin. Let yourself enjoy your facial for as long as possible.


  • If someone else is doing it to you, lie down in a bed and let them place all the items on your face.
  • Applying lemon juice and tomato paste is a good way to clear dark spots and acne.


  • Never use any foods that you are allergic to.

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